site which I think I snagged from
minervaish a while ago is all about short fiction entries that are 101 words. Some are uncategorized, but others are about specific characters/groups. One of these categories is "The Chosen Ones" with all that might imply...but in an amusing sense. Usually the titles list a name. Two that struck me as particularly entertaining are both titled "Philip".
“But when I’m fighting,” says Alex quietly, “it’s like-”
“Don’t say a dance,” groans Philip.
Alex laughs. “No. It’s like walking on one of those things at the museum, where it lights up and plays a tone where you tread, except each move subtly changes the chord.”
“Seriously?” says Tyler. “I get wireframes and countdown timers, pick a path, hit the targets…”
“What about you, Daniel?” says Philip.
Daniel smiles. “Pachinko,” he says. “Pachinko forever, and I always win.”
“What do you see when you fight?”
Toe blinks. “A bunch of people,” he says, “trying to-like-hit me?”
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A story about The Chosen Ones
“Do I have to keep pointing out that they are not ninja?” grates Phillip. “Ninja were populist, silent, invisible assassins from Japan. These hapless fucks are from China and they work for a megalomaniac sorcerer.”
“Let me explain the Tobias M. Dagobert Ninja Discrimination Test.” Toe grabs one of the charging mooks and thrusts him toward Phillip. “Did this man attack me with a single-edged sword?”
“Is he wearing black?”
“Most importantly, does the Inverse Ninja Law apply?”
“The what?”
“This test has too many questions,” complains Daniel, and uses a ninja to knock down six other ninjas.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A story about The Chosen Ones
Be well.