
Jan 27, 2005 22:59

I was riding the bus into school at about noon, when a gentleman...er scumbag sits across from me. I'm looking out the window, around, when I notice something. What the fuck this guys hand is down his sweatpants...OH MY GOD he's masterbating. I was in shock, not because I cared, but I just couldnt believe anyone has stones enough to just start ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

sanctified4him January 27 2005, 20:48:00 UTC
You sure have some interesting adventures! ^-^


benzenesluggard January 27 2005, 23:58:12 UTC
dual poster!


daveym January 29 2005, 08:54:15 UTC
i bet he was so turned on when he saw you that he couldn't resist.
i know i cant.


anonymous January 29 2005, 09:10:01 UTC
ah Marcus, you're a fantastic person and i <3 you
really. you're awesome



anonymous January 29 2005, 14:04:30 UTC
Back off, he's mine!

Afterthoughts: Yes, he is indeed very awesome!

~Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil~


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