Several things:
+ Once you get past your twelve year old crush on Mel Gibson and your "omg this is so terrible" attitude on Martin being "omg suicidal", Lethal Weapon is kind of a boring movie. I remember being on the edge of my seat every time he acted insane because MAYBE HE WAS GOING TO KILL HIMSELF BECAUSE OMG SO TERRIBLE!!!, and now it's just
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Comments 14
And At a Distance? Man, I've never seen that one!
+ Thanks for not cuttin' me. :)
+ Close to Home is a good show, but Christian's talent is wasted on that show and I thought his character was Mary Sue like.
+ Took the Still Life pilot. Grazie!
+ Hmm, see, if I only watched shows and movies in which talent weren't wasted, I'd be watching... a lot less tv and movies than I do now. But, sadly, that doesn't surprise me -- I love the guy, but he just can't find himself a good, stable gig. Oh well, will catch an episode or two to ogle.
+ You're welcome! Quality isn't the best, but, Still Life. I about died when I first found it.
Gah, yes. I live in fear of the dorsal fin. So in love with SPN right now, and I want to still be in love with it three or four seasons from now when we all start arguing about when exactly it jumped the shark. I'm nervous about season two and keep telling myself to cut it out already.
I hate spoilers. My flist is lovely about using cut-tags, but I can tell from the tone people are apprehensive.
I am a teeny bit spoiled for one thing, but I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.
That said, I won't spoil you but I really do think people are panicking too much. They're taking one element they don't like and forgetting about all the rest, including the way that one element will happen. So don't worry too much.
But yeah, calm is the word.
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