Day 07 - A scene that made you cry
Well, this is just not going to work. I'm a very easy crier when it comes to TV & movies (and even songs!) I have cried about a bazillion times watching this show. The fact that I was able to narrow it down to just three scenes is to be congratulated. I don't think I need to explain why these scenes made me cry. Wonderwall played, people, FUCKING WONDERWALL. I'm getting teary right now just thinking about it! (Told you I was easy!) People realising that they're dead = sadtiems. :'( Shaz is the one that really gets me in the first scene because, as I've said, Wonderwall! and because she takes it the hardest. Oh, Shaz! You hadn't even had a life. :'(
The second one is, well, that scene up there. Alex is dead, you guys, DEAD. She can never go home to Molly!! ;___; And to top all that, she can't even stay with Gene either. Ever since I started watching the show (about a year ago now! I checked through my tumlr. ;)) I'd been all sadtiems about how she was going to have to choose between Molly and Gene (or how the choice would be made for her.) But to get to stay with neither. IT IS HARSH. Also, Keeley's performance is heartbreaking, yes. 9:06, it's always 9:06! That was the time in her hospital room, that was the time... Also, Molly's scarf, Keats? That is NOT ON. You all heard the noises she makes when she smells it, yes? And you all heard her say "My baby" ? If you did not cry, you have no soul. Also, "See you around, Bollykecks." "Goodbye, Guv." ;____; That is all.
But honestly? This scene makes me cry the hardest. I have gone on about how Alex's story in series 1 affects me quite uhm, deeply before. Which basically means I sob like a little idiot a lot. Especially in this scene. It uhm, may have happened while I was capping? It's her mother! Her mother that died when she was a kid! And now she got a second chance to be with her and she's telling her they were going to do all these lovely things together. And that she loves her. Like, a lot. Plus, Alex cries an enormous amount in this scene and that's sure to have me in bits too. Alex is just standing there looking like she's about to have a nervous breakdown and Caroline just reaches out to her and hugs her and the music does this little crescendo thing. And then Alex cries and goes "Mummy!" I cannot handle it!! (Also, Caroline? Well, she dies the next day. Yeah.) *wipes tears*
Ashes to Ashes 30 Day Meme Day 01 - Your favourite episode+ Day 02 - Your favourite series + Day 03 - Your favourite quote + Day 04 - Your favourite song + Day 05 - Whatever takes your fancy + Day 06 - Least favourite episode +Day 07 - A scene that made you cry
Day 08 - A scene that made you smile
Day 09 - Favourite fanfic/icon
Day 10 - Your favourite cast member
Day 11 - Your favourite cast photo
Day 12 - Your favourite promo picture
Day 13 - Your favourite Ashes Tumblr
Day 14 - Your OTP
Day 15 - Your favourite OTP scene
Day 16 - Whatever takes your fancy
Day 17 - Your favourite theory
Day 18 - Your favourite character
Day 19 - Your favourite Gene moment
Day 20 - Your favourite Alex moment
Day 21 - Your favourite Ray moment
Day 22 - Your favourite Chris moment
Day 23 - Your favourite Shaz moment
Day 24 - The scene you found the funniest
Day 25 - Whatever takes your fancy
Day 26 - Your favourite weekly storyline
Day 27 - Most WTF moment
Day 28 - Favourite series finale
Day 29 - Favourite quattro scene
Day 30 - Favourite pub scene