well not really. But I think I need to cut it down a little. Granted twice in one week doesn't constitute anything, but really, if I'm looking for a new job, then I might want to stop.
Not much to report. I colored my hair. It looks pretty good. Um... yeah. Taking this term off school, so it should be nice, just need to look for a second job.
Man, looking at the old posts in this thing, you'd think I had nothing better to than update three or four times a day. I think I want to continue to update it, at most maybe once a week. So whats new? Well not a whole hell of a lot
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He apologized which I didn't expect. He told me not to be sorry for it. I know he's just pissed at my mom for what's going on. I just wish he wouldn't take it out on us.
I put my two weeks notice in yesterday. I absolutely despise that place. I know that I thought it was going to be great, but under the circumstances I need to get out
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Today is my two year anniversary. It's odd because I've never had one before, and well its kind of cool too. The only shitty part is that I'm not with him and yeah. Oh well, I'll see him tomorrow
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So I start at the Art Institute on October 1st. I'm so effing excited. It should be great, going back to school. I have four classes. I only had 33 credits transfer so I'm still considered a freshman - luckily I only need 3 more credits to be considered a sophomore, so that's only one quarter
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