we've never been so bright.

Jan 12, 2009 19:13

Introspection is spiffy. Setting goals is like looking into the sun: pretty and dazzling but is it ever that effective? We'll see.

the short 'n sweet version
→I need to be able to trust myself before I can trust others. [I'm still working on this]
→My dreams CAN come true if I have the willpower to materialize it.
→Fuck other people. No, seriously, FUCK THEM. I have taken so much shit from peopel that I honestly just don't give a flying fuck. This life? I'm doing this for ME.
→Live YOUR life, not at the mercy of others. You shouldn't be influenced by other people's opinions if you truly want to do something [like wearing a peacock on your head or whatever]. Do whatever makes you feel good.
→Sometimes you have to be a bit selfish. If you aren't doing things for you, you're going to stretch yourself so thin that no one will have you.
→What goes on in other people's lives DOES NOT AFFECT YOU. Unless they're planning to assassinate you or something.
→BE HAPPY! Being sad is trendy and overrated. Viva la nonconforming! No, seriously. Why waste your time on that? Your time is better spent being happy and PROACTIVE than being said and REACTIVE.

... because you're so... fine?
→Write more. This goes for both LJ and writing in general. I need to update more, and I need to comment more. Seriously guys, I DO read your posts but I feel at a loss of words when I go to comment. I need to dig around for those words, even if to say the stupidest shit. And I miss writing in general; it was a release, and now everything is all pent up inside. Where did my inspiration go?
→Document everything more often. Write lists. Write things down. Take pictures. Collect things.
→Open up. This will always be a goal for me. Who knows if I'll achieve. I might make my LJ public [for starters, this post is public! Oh my!], though, as a step towards this direction.
→Be grateful. You know, you sonofabitch, life could be a hell of a lot worse for you. STOP COMPLAINING. Dwelling on what you DON'T have isn't going to solve your problems. In fact, every time I'm in a bitchy mood, I'm going to make a list of the things I'm grateful for to make me feel better.
→Be nicer to others. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a biiiiiiiiitch. I'll be nice if they deserve it.
→Follow my dreams. Whatever they may be, no matter how small.
→Do something I've never done before. This will be more specific once I figure out what it is I want to do.
→Be more organized.
→Adopt a platypus. NOM NOM NOM. Or do something equally absurd.

Wow, I thought I had more goals for '09, but alas I don't. It better make up for the shittiness that was 2008, that's all I'm sayin'. ETA: Wait a minute, what am I saying? 2008 wasn't that bad. STOP COMPLAINING!

This was from last year:
Most of the latter ambitions were hindered by my weakness of vulnerability, which will be 2008's primary goal. Mission status: unknown. Remind me again in a year.

Hmmm. Mission status: accomplished, for the most part.

me me me!, awesome, dreams, new years, dearest self, ramblings, writing, progress

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