I hate social anxiety, here have a meme, they're not scary

Dec 31, 2014 01:42

woo I posted something and hopefully didn't mess it up a second time

 I recorded 3 hours, 0 minutes, and 25 seconds across 8 different podfics. FANCYPANTS MIC FOR THE WIN!

I recorded in Welcome to Night Vale, Teen Wolf, MCU, and acadamia RPF fandoms - lots of Teen Wolf because I am apparently shameless about wanting people to work with me especially when I have massive social anxiety. Also, peer pressure. I'm not even really in that fandom much anymore!!!

There are lots of MCU down the pipeline actually, but yeah, I think I did pretty good with participating in [livejournal.com profile] mating_games and all the prep and aftermath of two separate surgeries. I think I am just about recovered? Maybe? I'm posting this so this counts as being social RIGHT????

What was the best podfic you made this year?

Hard question. It's tied I think between Heartbeats: A Portrait of Two Enraptured Souls ~or~ PHONESEX! and It's (never) only play-pretend.
Heartbeats was, IMO, the better technical podfic. Jinxy and I worked our butts off to make that. Sound effects and the recording of an actual phonecall between us and music and everything make that the best show of our actual current editing and recording proficiency.

Only play-pretend was the second easiest podfic for me to make ever so far. Memé wrote the fic after we hashed out what the basic outline to it was, and I was asked what I liked all through the writing and then I beta'd it. That podfic came out of me so easily, that even when I had to take a break of a week and a half, because this year I'm allergic to winter, I still had plenty of time to spare. She beta'd the podfic and helped me choose the music and helped me get the voices right.

Both were quite possibly the best work I've done with another person ever.

Beautiful Morning comes in as a runner-up, because recording my own words was soooooo easy. Everyone should write something and then record it. I totally recommend the experience.

Most popular?

Shockingly It's (never) only play-pretend beat Heartbeats: A Portrait of Two Enraptured Souls ~or~ PHONESEX! (which totally surprised me when it became popular (and then surprised and upset me when it was also the one we got so much hate for, yikes)).

Most unappreciated?

The Rat and the Ruby Slippers and Tudor Spies and Perfidy.

I get why Tudor Spies didn't get a lot of love, it's a one off Yuletide fandom, as funny as that podfic is. (Go check it out, it's hilarious. I cracked myself up so much recording it.)

I am honestly to god shocked at how few people liked TRatRS. I was absolutely drawn to that fic and I spent so much time making that because I had to. I just had to make that a thing that existed in the world.

Personal Favorite?

TRatRS wasn't as perfect as I wanted it to be, but I am so glad it exists. I get so many warm fuzzies thinking about it.

Heartbeats and play-pretend are tied for my fav, because of how much fun I had making them. (I AM ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR MORE COLLABS ^^)

Most difficult to make?

That one MCU podfic I haven't posted (holy shit how many years have I said that. fuck my life)? The TW present for Jinxy that's got about two minutes left to edit on it and should have been posted months ago? TRatRS since it took me waiting until I got a good enough mic for the music and then I had to troubleshoot my mic for a couple of months before recording? Take your pick.

Most "ah ha ha I can't believe I'm doing this"?

TBH, Mistake on the Part of Nature. I kept recording and recording and waiting for everyone to be out of the house and I sat on it and worried worried worried about that. *sigh* My brain.

Did I care about the phone sex one? NOPE. Cute banana fic? ALL THE STRESS.

Runner-up: Emergency? Werewolves! just because we knocked that out and mostly just hung out and very quietly I thought, is this too out there? but nope, people liked it ^^

Most fun to make?

I honestly enjoyed every single collab this year so much. You can't make me pick :P

Was there one that didn't turn out the way you wanted?

I still think that I could have rerecorded the first few minutes of TRatRS, but thank goodness I'm not that perfectionist. Same with the banana fic.

Um, I could never find a song I liked well enough for Like wine upon the lips and that's too bad, since that's a great podfic that could have been a even better podfic with the right music. Also, I'm not super happy with that cover, but, *shrugs.*

Biggest learning experience?

I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT ABOUT A DESK AND CHAIR AND BETTER MIC. \o/ Also, getting used to windows and resetting up and stuff, ugh. Not changing this setup anytime soon, lemme tell you.

I think I have finally figured out my desired workflow vis-á-vis editing and recording. Record a section, edit it, then add music, then move on to the next. It seems I'm the most efficient that way.

What's next? Do you have any podfic goals for next year?

NO SIGNING UP FOR ANYTHING, I MEAN IT. I am going to knock all the stuff off my stupid wips list, just you wait and see. :P

Not a podfic goal but: Happy New Year! My resolution is to read (and hopefully review) more books, and be more social.

meme, long post, podfic, podfic meme

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