Title: Never Wanna Fall Apart Summary: Porn Battle Entry #2 Pairing: Luke/Gail Rating: Barely R Word Count: 1307 A/N: never done a Luke/Gail before... Don't expect too much :) ( She wasn't exactly sure how she'd ended up here... )
I'm excited that you chose to write Gail/Luke. They have become so canon in my head that I'm gonna be so upset if they don't go this way in S3.
I love the little details you put in here - like his feet hanging off the edge of the bed and the "twitch of a smile when she tugged the blanket away."
Comments 13
I'm excited that you chose to write Gail/Luke. They have become so canon in my head that I'm gonna be so upset if they don't go this way in S3.
I love the little details you put in here - like his feet hanging off the edge of the bed and the "twitch of a smile when she tugged the blanket away."
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