
Jun 11, 2006 13:39

If I don't find a way to get out of my house and away from my mother, I think I'm going to break.

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Comments 12

redhairhermione June 11 2006, 20:56:21 UTC
Be strong.


margin_madrigal June 12 2006, 22:30:58 UTC
Just for you, Leigh.


periwinklepanda June 11 2006, 22:31:50 UTC
Naomi! We should do something before you go out of town, that way you can be out of the house and I can get all the Naominess that I could ever want!


margin_madrigal June 12 2006, 22:31:36 UTC
Oh definitely! There needs to be more Tessa-ness in my life. Yaaaay!


karobmunkeychip June 12 2006, 01:00:00 UTC
I understand how that is.... You and I can both share Billy's stall. He won't mind. :-) <3


margin_madrigal June 12 2006, 22:32:37 UTC
The weather is perfect outside at night, too. I like Billy. It's a deal!


robosycho June 12 2006, 03:04:04 UTC
Take me with you! I know exactly how you feel.


margin_madrigal June 12 2006, 22:33:03 UTC
Something about the whole college thing makes it doubly intense, doesn't it?


queenofsuperfly June 12 2006, 05:05:47 UTC
you could come visit me at work.
i could make you coffee.


margin_madrigal June 12 2006, 22:33:29 UTC
Hooray! That sounds excellent!


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