I've never been so relieved to find two pieces of evil! Nor have I ever been so grateful to have my skills with a sword insulted! Both of these factors mean I have been reunited with the others. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The first piece of evil I found was the sword that was in the Elder's sanctuary. Up until recently I had not had a chance to really use the sword other than to feel a little bit better about my position. It had not been of much use against the dead man in the wall, and I was not stupid enough to test it against the Blood Apes. I found out that it is shockingly well made and I have to confess that I'm now concerned about my ability to put the sword down when I am done with it. Already I'm rationalizing in my mind all the reasons why I should not leave it to be found. It is better, in many ways, than my own Safara. The difference, of course, is that Safara was crafted by my own hand and will not try to steal my soul. I don't have that confidence in this other blade.
Perhaps I can give it to the gunslinger...he doesn't seem to have a soul anyway.
The second item is, of course, the chalice. I know now who this is dedicated to, although that tells me little about how to destroy it, but it does help me know how to contact the demon. It will be a three hour ritual and will, literaly, be very draining. I did not have that time when I found all this out. I must convince the others to return with me so I can do the ritual. I'm no longer convinced that this is a Yozi cultist we're after. I still believe there is a connection to the Malfeans, but you don't need to be a yozi cult to do that--if what the Ledaals say is true. WHat's more is that this chalice may be the key to controlling Crimson Tempest, if I can avoid going mad. A mortal would have already lost his mind from the few minutes I have held the chalice. It whispers and sneers and echos your thoughts back to you. And, I worry that my actions have warned Crimson Tempest that we are coming. As I emerged through a doorway I came face to face with him, for only a moment, but it was long enough to see his shocked face before I found myself outside. I don't know if this chalice is toying with me, but I know it can understand me so I should be careful about talking to it in front of the others. Dream would understand I think, and Haze would think it was a game. Best never to know though.
After finding myself on the street I set about trying to return to the front, to see if it really was the others that had come looking for me. Judging from the busted door and the poor Earth aspect who asked me if I was with "the golden one", they'd been through here. I went back down into that damn basement and followed the sounds of battle to my companions. There were being faced with three blood apes, although I got to witness Ondolee shooting one down with his repeaters. All of their banners were up, a sure sign that they needed rest soon. I tried to make out Dream's, but I could not. Ondolee's however was very clearly a stallion. Why am I thinking about that bastard? So he can shoot fire...so can I! The battle continues and I'm worried about Haze and Dream's girls. The former looked very injured, the latter are human and are in serious danger. They need to get out as soon as possible and we all need to rest.
And I need to get as much as I can remember sketched and noted of this place.