Keahi Journal

Mar 22, 2007 11:11

It was a relief to see his tomb, at least on some level. I guess the bigger relief is that his ghost did not appear. No news is good news in this situation, I think. Still, while I was there, I met a woman named Silver Rose. She too was mourning someone I think, but she offered her services to me. If I understood her right, she can speak with the dead. While I don't want to actually speak with him again, this insane new idea that my companions have formulated may make her skills essential. We just might have to kill her right after.

I returned, just like I promised I would, to find Chaos and Haze standing in front of the cowboy's ugly horse talking. They seemed happy to see me and explained they were going to a funerary service to see if anyone had seen Crimson Tempest. It seemed as good a place to start as any, so I agreed to tag along. Having something to take my mind off his passing actually cheered me up a lot. Of course, we were interuppted by the sudden departure of the shaggy fanged pony and the hawk taking off down the street. After a short debate we decided to follow them. If the gunslinger is getting us in trouble, I'll run him through myself. He wasn't getting us into trouble, yet, though we stopped him just in time. The idiot had seen a "suspicious" looking funeral procession and was going to investigate it. Of course his idea of investigation involves shooting first and asking questions later. I might not have been so upset if it wasn't for the fact that he was attacking the Empress's preperation! I knew that people suspected her death, but it had only been confirmed and the body found recently. It makes since that she would be buried in Sijan. Ondolee had enough sense to not continue his idea of attack, but his stupidity seemed to spread to the others.

We are now going to rob the Empress's grave goods. I had to contact Lajos to confirm if it would be the Empress's, the boy is slow on his gossip this week it seems. His message wasn't helpful. Something about this isn't right. I don't love the Empress, but there is just something very wrong with robbing her grave--maybe it's the fact that she's not in it yet. Grave robbing is fine when the grave is several centuries old...not when it's fresh.

But if we're going to do this, we're going to do this right. Tahn, the Earth Aspect, and I will be investigating the security. Since we are both Dragon Bloods we'll have an easier time getting close without raising too much suspicion. Meanwhile the Solars will be focusing on the task we came here for, looking for Crimson Tempest, and spreading rumors that it's not the real Empress's body that's in Sijan. We hope this will cause enough confusion for them to let their guard down and we can sneak in.

It still feels very wrong. And I swear if the cowboy asks about the present Lajos mentioned or calls me Kiki, he will be hurt!

keahi journal

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