Stolen from risingtofall:
Truth Survey
Repost this but tell the truth
What have you done... BE TRUTHFUL!!
1. smoked a cigarette - Yes
2. smoked a cigar - yuck... no
3. crashed a friend's car - my own, yes, someone else's, no.
4. stolen a car - not so much
5. been in love - absolutely
6. been dumped - viciously, yes.
7. done a shot - please tell me you're kidding... um, yes.
8. been fired - no, but I've been "laid off due to down-sizing"
9. been in a fist fight - with my brother, yes.
10. snuck out of your house - of course... I WAS in high school at one point
11. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - anyone who says "no" is lying
12. been arrested - almost... but no
13. made out with a stranger - um... I was in a sorority, so do I NEED say more?
14. gone on a blind date - one, and only one... he turned into a MASSIVE psycho.
15. lied to a friend - little white lies.... but that doesn't thrill me anymore.
16. had a crush on a teacher- oh yes, I was hot for teacher in high school.... which TOTALLY creeps me out now that I'm a teacher.
17. skipped school - only study hall... Bess Eaton called....
18. seen someone die - if seeing my aunt in a coma on her death bed only to learn that she died 10 minutes after I left counts, then yes.
19. been on a plane - muchos times
20. thrown up in a bar - in the bar, no... but I have been thrown up ON in a bus
21. done hard drugs- no
22. miss someone right now - I miss my friend Dave who is in Florida and I haven't heard from him yet...
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - one of the most relaxing things in the world... right after laying on your back and looking at the stars
24. made a snow angel - yes... but I didn't enjoy the whole snow down the waistband of your snowpants thing....
25. played dress up - but of course
26. cheated while playing a game - anytime I can.... heh heh
27. been lonely - currently (I live alone)
28. fallen asleep at work/school - I used to ALL the time during my 8am classes at URI
29. used a fake id - never had one... but my friend had one that said she had blond eyes and blue hair.... and not one bouncer ever caught it!
30. felt an earthquake - just last year at my house in Coventry... it was a minor one, but one nonetheless...
31. touched a snake - yes... and was amazed that it wasn't slimy in the least
32. ran a red light - who doesn't speed up at yellow lights?
33. had detention - guilty... and still have them to this day when I assign them to kids.
34. been in a car accident - a couple.... the most serious 2 years ago when I got broadsided by a kid skipping school... that turned into 4 months of physical therapy.
35. hated the way you look - I'm female... we're trained to think that way
36. witnessed a crime - probably... and just didn't realize it
37. been lost - everytime I try to follow someone's directions
38. been to the opposite side of the country - sure have.... then DROVE back across it to get home.
39. felt like dying - have YOU ever had a full-blown case of the flu?
40. cried yourself to sleep - you get the best sleep after you do
41. had straight vodka - *barf* yes.
42. karaoke - LOVE IT!!!!!!!
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Yes... then suffered from a nasty case of what I like to call "buyer's remorse".
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - once... soda.... it burned like a bitch.
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes... I was a child once.
46. kissed in the rain - IN the rain? no. During a rainstorm? yes.
47. sang in the shower - Hey, I have a shower radio.... what do you think?
48. made love in a park - no... insects, bad.
49. had a dream that you married someone - all the time
50. glued your hand to something - I crazy-glued my fingers together once.
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no, Flick..... (anyone get the Christmas Story reference???)
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - Yes
53. been a cheerleader - no... I was a band geek.
54. sat on a roof top - scared of heights....especially slanted ones...but if you count flat roof tops that are like tall decks, then yes.
55. talked on the phone all night - many times
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - Hi... I live ALONE.... I made that mistake ONCE and only once.... I watched The Ring by myself at night.... I'm still emotionally scarred
57. played chicken fight - yes...
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes... damn bitches
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - yeah, then I made out with him in my car in the parking lot.
60. broken a bone - middle finger, right arm, and chipped a bone in my ankle
61. had a 3-some? - I'm WAY to selfish.... I want my man all to myself.
62. laugh so hard you cry - laughed so hard I peed, once.
63. mooned/flashed someone - in college, my friend and I used to torture this poor guy Anthony by flashing each other when he had his back to us.... he got so pissed that he always missed it and we thought it was hilarous!
64. cheated on a test - OF COURSE NOT!!! I'M A TEACHER!!!! (did that sound fake?)
65. forgotten someone's name - all the time.... I'm Forgetful Jones. (Sesame Street... anyone? anyone?)
66. been kicked out of your house - Almost... my mother called me a slut for going to visit my boyfriend in Cape Cod on my 21st birthday.
67. blacked out from drinking - Blacked out? no. Forgotten some choice things I did? yes
68. played a prank on someone - Anytime I can... watch out.
69. played in public with your significant other? - define "played"...