(no subject)

Jul 22, 2005 18:54

Seriously though, what's wrong with my family? When my dad picked me up, I was like "you know, I would have been happy just seeing you and giving you a hug and going back to camp because that's all it takes to make me happy." Since then, I have concluded that that would probably have been the wisest course of action. Except for Dad, who's great, they're all so fucking obnoxious. Mom is an unreasonable bitch. I hate her. Nothing changes. I'm fucking 18 now. Now I have to get something pierced, just to piss her off. Even the little kids were being annoying. Like they just had to put out all their worst qualities on the day I come home. And I'm sicking of talking to Donnie about politics because he's so damn contentious. God damn.

So yeah this sucks. Should make it easier to go back to camp and then to go to college though. I really do think that I liked it better being away from home. I mean there were times when I was homesick, but I never felt the anger and frustration that I feel right now, and I never got nearly as depressed as I sometimes get when I'm in my house. I sort of thought I'd feel this way, but it still makes me sad that I do.

Also, if your daughter/sister had been gone for 3 weeks and was going to a lot of effort to see you for a day, you'd maybe be on your best behavior for her? Just maybe?
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