geez all that college and school shit is driving crazy i have no idea how i did on my last bimester i probably need to to do chemistry or math recup because i'm retarded :( :( :( :( :(
I love artemis edinter for hosting my vacations with Ernesto sabato " cuentos que me apasionaron vol. 2 " and " España en los diarios mi vejez" i'm a nerd and i love reading
Along this way Outside the prison gates I love the romance of crime And I wonder Does anybody feel the way I do ? And is evil just something you are Or something you do ?
Sister I’m a ... Sister I’m a ... All over this town
i love being with my family more than i do with friends my grandmommy came from europe and he got some awesome jewerly for me and now we are having white whine and listening to bosa nova as always.. its a great mood i just love it.
mi vida se ha reducido a nada a buscar viejas bandas con letras en español a bajar viejos programas a ver viejas caras a recordar errores errores que en este momento me parecen deleitantes como viejos besos y abrazos y cosas simples y complicadas aquel dia en mi casa.