50 Facts about Me (I and My never looked soo good):
1. I was supposed to be born on the fourth of july but the doctor wanted to be with his family so he took me out earlier.
2. I always wanted to be like my brother when I was a little kid.
3. I've been best friends with Kaitlin the longest and remember fighting over who could be She-ra or whose backyard the clubhouse could be in.
4. My first kiss was freshman year of highschool to a guy i was "with" a year prior to that but wouldnt let him kiss me the entire time. I was scared of kissing i guess.
5. I was a cheerleader in highschool.
6. If a clique of christian crusading extremists ever talked about me behind my back i would want them to refer to me as "satan"
7. I want to have 5 or 6 kids.
8. I can't really imagine myself getting married.
9. My first job was at Subway and I wanted to gouge peoples eyes out.
10. I stop everything I'm doing if i see something about sharks on tv.
11. My dog is cooler than yours. Nick is a good guy though too.
12. I've always been able to form a good group of friends at the different stages in my life so far.
13. I still get nervous if I am alone in a new situation.
14. I don't like when people expect things from me.
15. I don't really say what I'm thinking alot of the time because I usually don't care enough or I don't know how.
16. I laugh out loud alot when I am talking to people on aim.
17. I don't meet alot of intelligent people that i would truly call "kind and whole-hearted."
18. My peak of alcoholism was my senior year of highschool. Since then I still drink alot but I cant really get that drunk.
19. I want to be an editor for an independant publishing company or a creative writing professor or a scientific journalist.
20. I laugh really hard at kangaroos.
21. I would never swim with a dolphin.
22. I have alot of fleeting crushes on people.
23. I'm too lazy to "make the move" unless the conditions are clichely perfect. I would rather not have to though.
24. I'm going to be the kind of mom who tells my kids weird lies about things that theyll repeat as the truth to their teachers and classmates.
25. I don't like to commit to anything.
26. I think I am fairly manipulative in a discreet way.
27. I think I am fairly masochistic in a discreet way.
28. I like to be the driver.
29. I like to stand out in a crowd unless there is something expected of me (example: play good poker in a casino room full of old men--everyone staring at me doesn't help)
30. I used to love concerts to the point where i'd make my parents drive me to fireside, but now i hate them for the most part because they will never be the same to me.
31. I think I am pretty elite when it comes to music but I'm not going to make it my entire identity.
32. My memory of movies fades a day after watching them.
33. Livejournal has made me invent my own form of the english language, and I hope to break out of it once i start school as an english major.
34. U of I killed the huge academic ego that got me through highschool.
35. U of I made me realize I am better than people in other ways though.
36. I only like to smoke pot when there is an adventure involved or good food to eat.
37. I chain smoke when I feel like it, but I don't consider myself a smoker.
38. I don't value money.
39. I hope that my friends know that I would do anything for them.
40. When I have a favorite food (spinach dip, vegetarian corn dogs, rice pudding, etc) I eat so much of it that i stop liking it for awhile.
41. I had to take the solitaire games off my computer.
42. I get really loud when I watch the world series of poker.
43. I am very competitive when I care.
44. If you don't like cats I give you minus 100 points in my book.
45. The Cosby Show and Next are my favorite shows.
46. I smile the entire time while watching a Wes Anderson film.
47. I don't really like to talk in most situations.
48. I don't paint my fingernails ever.
49. I like reading about serial killers and genetics.
50. I think there are a lot of things people will never know about me.