I was not impressed.
Really. I mean, first of all, I called it. Indy will shortly change his name to Nicholas Ballard. In 1965, his son, having changed his name to Melburn Jackson, will have a son named Daniel. Indy, well preserved, will be institutionalized for ranting about aliens, until his son, now part of a super-secret government conspiracy, will encounter the crystal skull himself.
Right. So, not, impressed.
Gratuitously overbearing "EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT, EDUCATION IS TREASURE" themes, no interesting characters... meh. Boring. Dreck. Another bad archaeology movie, but honestly, one of the worst of the bunch.
Oh... the snake/rope scene though? That was cute. But beyond that, not sure what other redeeming moments there were.
For entertainment value, the purple monkey dishwashers were better. Better monkeys than aliens.
Another bad archaeology movie for the pile, but this one was worse than its predecessors.