Title: What Happens In China...
Pairing: Conor Coady/Martin Kelly
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is all just a work of fiction!
Author's Note: Just because :D This was written real quick and it's not exceptional, but Conor scored, and I took that as an excuse to write smut.
Word count: 1,571
Summary: Conor scored a goal.
Kelly wants to give Conor something )
Comments 49
I'm so very very glad you liked it :D:D:D
And who am I kidding I squealed like a little girl when Conor scored :P I just have a weak spot for him, cause he is tall and sounds like a mixture between Carra and Stevie ;)
so yeah even though I feel guilty, I really enjoyed reading this ;)
I still smile when I watch the celebration, him being all cool at first when he hugs the older guys, and then Robinson and Wisdom comes over, and they all fangirl like the bbs they are! ;-) So cute! He's really growing on me, in the I-now-find-him-attractive kind of way!
Glad you liked it, thanks! :D
Thank you!
It is my second season as Liverpool fan and I am impressed. They had so many good youth players
I add it to my memories.
I write ff about the youth players from Real Madrid. Write my second story in the moment.
They have indeed, and it's so good to see them get a chance to prove themselves. And they step up to the plate, too! :-)
Oh, cool! I must admit I don't know squat about Real Madrid's youngsters, but they're players to watch, aren't they? ;-)
Thank you!
This was really hot. Now I want more of them... :O
Thank you!
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