Title: The Road Home (In the Unexpected Twist 'Verse)
Rating: M+
Pairing: Sam/girl!Dean
Characters: Sam, Dean, Missouri, Bobby and others
Spoilers: AU; this takes place in the Unexpected Twist 'Verse; a general timeline of Supernatural
Warnings: GENDERSWAP; girl!Dean; CHARACTER DEATH; winchester love
Category: slash; romance/angst
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Comments 28
LOTS of flailing when I saw you'd updated :)
Difficult ideas and quite a peverse concept in this chapter (eww Demon!John raping girl!Dean is just so wrong) but you tackled it well when others wouldn't try.
Can't wait for the next part oh and yay for Missouri, she's a brilliant character that I hope they bring back in Season 2! :D
It started awesome as usual. I loved how you re-wrote Devil's Trap, especially the end.
I cannot wait for more (so glad that you wrote more, thank you)
With the demon gone, there are so many ways you can take this story. Do they keep hunting? Live normal lives? Sam could hack into Dean's records and change her information to make her legally female. I can see him cracking jokes about how Dean always said Sam was such a girl, but it ended up coming back to bite her. And Missouri and Dean are going to have to come to some kind of understanding eventually, although I think she was rude to him in Home because that's what she knew he would focus on. Dean doesn't respond very well to kindness from anybody.
although I think she was rude to him in Home because that's what she knew he would focus on The main reason I brouht Missouri into the mix is that I always felt like she was really rude to Dean in home and there was no reason for it...I want to explore the realtionship between them in this verse...will it be different b/c Dean is a she? Perhaps...perhaps not...
I am so happy you liked the retelling of Devil's Trap...stay tuned and thanks for commenting...when I update, I'll post to LJ...
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