I stole this from
Catn3dWithout looking at the questions under the cut, make a list of your own 6 favorite tv shows and then answer this meme after you've already written them down.
1. Battlestar Galactica
2. The X files
3. Veronica Mars
4. Alias
5. Robotech
6. Brothers and sisters
1. Who is your favorite character from #2 (X files)? that's pretty obvious, Scully! I LOVE SCULLY!
2. Who is your least favorite character from #4 (Alias)? mm this is difficult, it could be Sloan but not so much and after all I liked Lauren, yeah I think Sloan oh no wait Rachel, yes she was my least fav character.
3. What would a crossover between #1 (BSG) and #5 (Robotech) include? OMG this was totally random, and it turn out to be so perfect!! A crossover between this two will of course have dog fights, vipers and VTs flying across the space, explosions and of course angst Lisa and Lee will have an affair!! I can totally picture sparks between them and Roy and Kara those two will empty all the bars across the universe. oh and Gaius and Minmei they are so egocentric!that they are perfect for each other hahaha and just thinking about six kicking minmei ass it makes me giggle beyond comprehension.
4. What is your favorite ship from #6 (B&S)? ok I haven't watch this show enough to have a fav ship, maybe tommy and his wife?
5. If you were to set one person from #3 (VM) and one person from #6(B&s) on a blind date, who would they be? Logan and Rebecca? I think...
6. If you could meet one person from #4 (Alias) and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do? Do I really need to answer this? of course I'll choose Vaughn!! he's so absofrakinglutely cute! what will I do with him uff...so many things came to my mind. Well I'll ask him to teach me to play hockey and then do something quiet and nice
7. If you could change one thing about #2 (Xfiles)'s plot line, what would you change? I'll make Foley disappear and I wont let mulder get lost for so long and for sure I wont let William go into adoption.
8. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from show #5 (Robotech), and why you like the relationship between them? Lisa and Rick, because they challenge each other they were totally opposites and yet they were so good together.
9. If the lead title characters (first name in the credit sequence) from #1 (BSG) and #3 (VM) were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be? I'm not quite sure of the order but I think they are Adama and Veronica Mars and at the moment I'll totally save Veronica, I'm still angry at Adama.
10. If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for #4 (Alias), what order would you choose? I can't remember them very well, but I think I'll put Victor Gaber before Ron Rifkin
11. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6 (B&s), what would the character be like, and what would their role be? Again I haven't watch B&s for too long, but I think I'll include a friend for Justin who will help him to get over his addiction but it also will help him to have fun. And my evil side will like to include a character that create tension in Tommy's marriage.
12. What happens in your favorite episode of show #2 (Xfiles)? I don't think I have a single fav episode. But in one Scully is about to die and Mulder goes to visit her in the hospital room and cries holding her hand. Or when Scully is angry at Mulder and decided she wants a tatoo.
13. If you could kill off one of the characters in #1 (BSG), who would it be and how would you do it? Right now ... can I kill Adama and Roslin? they could be together in the same room when a nuke hit galactica and kills them :)
14. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 (VM) or show #5 (Robotech), which would you choose? well since Robotech is an animated serie I'll have to go with VM not that I'm complaining, but then again I would love to be in a set where you could see real VTs even if they are made of cardboard.
I can not believe I put Brothers and Sisters over JAG!! I love JAG how could I forget JAG?? ... and it will be cheating if I put JAG now :(