I will not stand for this
lt;/td> Everyone Feels This Pain
Show your support I encourage you to follow that link. Since I don't feel like saying much else, I'm just going to re-post my current pumpkin-y thoughts as I did at the SCUSA thread today.
Assuming JKR ultimately goes H/Hr, since she has built up Ron's crush for at least two books now, how do you think she will resolve it? (Ex. Ron confesses his feelings and Hermione tells him she's not interested,; they do date but it doesn't work out; Ron loses interest, etc)?
I think Hermione will continue to drop large hits that she's not interested. I say 'continue,' because I think her response to his attempt-at-a-romantic-Christmas-gift (perfume) was intentionally discouraging. She was as dismissive of it as it was possible to be without being overtly rude, and mentioned it as an afterthought when she'd been squeeing about Harry's "perfect" gift -- a book she'd been wanting.
I also think she was using Viktor as a smokescreen to discourage Ron from speaking up in OOP. Someone at Portkey recently mentioned that it's unlike that she'd actually send Viktor the long letter she was writing to him while she and Ron were waiting up for Harry (while he was kissing Cho at Christmas time). She knows how unwise it is to put information in a letter that could be intercepted, so why would she pour her heart out to her "pen-pal"? I believe it was at least partly to keep herself occupied so Ron wouldn't work up the courage to say something she did not want to hear.
I don't know that these hints have been big enough for Ron to realize his crush his hopeless. I might expect our intelligent Miss Granger to step-up her campaign by beginning to hint that Ron might ask Luna out. (Because I'm sure Hermione would have noticed her crush on Ron.)
If Ron does eventually ask Hermione out (and I suspect he will, because why would JK pass up an opportunity for such angst when she's been building it up for two years?) I think she will tell him no. That'll be hard on both of them, and probably Harry too, since he'll be stuck in the middle. Ron has already shown a tendency to suspect Harry/Hermione (with his reaction to Hermione saying Harry's not a bad kisser). Her rejecting him might convince him of Hermione --> Harry, which could build tension between the three of them. (A resultant fight could provide a weak point for poor Ron when he could be seduced into doing something he wouldn't otherwise -- but I hope that doesn't happen.) This could also open poor Harry's eyes to the fact that Hermione likes him, but I wouldn't bet on it.
It's possible that Hermione would go out with Ron for a date or two in Hogsmede. Harry would then get the chance to feel VERY LEFT OUT and ANGRY (and JEALOUS, but he probably wouldn't realize that). Ron would get the chance to see that dating Hermione isn't all he dreamed it would be (much like Harry found out with Cho, and I suspect Hermione discovered with Viktor.) And Hermione would get a chance to prove (again) that there's no substitute for the Boy She Loves. ;)
PoA Trailer--should we be worried?
Well, in canon Hermione has gotten quite used to grabbing onto Harry when she's scared, hasn't she? So I see two shippy possibilities: (1) she didn't realize that it wasn't Harry next to her and was embarrassed when she found out or (2) it was her beloved Harry who was in danger, so she had to grab onto someone else. (I think this is probably their first CoMC lesson with the hyppogriffs, so the second is a definite possibility.) Ron's startled reaction could be due to the facts that (1) he's used to her grabbing Harry, not him, so it's confusing, (2) they're fighting at this time so he's surprised she's interacting with him at all or (3) it hurt. He hasn't even realized she's a girl yet in POA, so there shouldn't be UST nonsense going on between them.
As for why the directors chose to put that in... well, I'm going to respectfully disagree with Ricky's assertion that Chris is a pumpkin pie shipper. I think the script writer, Steve Kloves, probably knows what JK's got in store for us in terms of shipping, but I don't think the directors have a clue. I also think Chris was pulled in by the "obvious" Ron/Hermione tension in the fourth book and chose to show it in the second movie with the infamous hug/handshake scene. To back me up:
[QUOTE] And also Chris in the second film has kind of foreshadowed what I don't do until the fourth book, which is that you get hints of certain feelings between the three of them, that belong to a sort of slightly more mature person.[/QUOTE]
That's from the
Chamber of Secrets DVD interview. The very fact that she said Chris did it rather than Steve makes me wonder. Alfonso Cuaron has seemed more pumpkin-y than ent-like, at least from the majority of the images that have been released. The hand-grab may just be there in the movies for the same reason I think she put the "quidditch kiss" in OOP -- to keep us guessing. Especially if Alfonso is reading the books as H/H (and is therefore playing up the Hermione-clinging-to-Harry-in-the-face-of-danger bits) he might also want to make sure to continue the "tension" bit between Ron and Hermione that Chris started. Hey, if JK can give us "Red Hairings" then the directors can too. *winks*
Have a great evening, all.