1. Name: Janey
2. Previously stamped as:
Regular: Princesse de Lamballe
Look a Like: Comtesse de Provence
Ranks: King
3. What is your favourite posession? Why?: I have two, My teddy rabbit i've had since the day I was born..very special to me and 2 rings I got from my mum on my 18th. One silver and the other is silver with a blue sapphire, my birth stone.
4. What is your favourite movie (apart from Marie Antoinette) and what is your favourite prop used in that movie? Why?: ah my fav movies chance all the time, erm i'd say Stardust and my favourite prop in the movie is the necklace, it plays such a central part to the movie bringing all the characters together.
5. What is your favourite television show and what is your favourite prop used in that show? Why?:The Bill :D does the men in it count as a prop? if no then the police cars.
6. If you were the hero in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?: a sword to fight them off or a musical instrument
7. If you were the villain in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?:again a sword
8. What is the one thing you most want to do in your life?: I know it's sooooooo boring and there is tons I have on my list to do but the main thing I want is to become a mum and wife.
9. If you could change one aspect about yourself or your life, what would it be?:wish I was more energetic and not so lazy.
10. What material item do you want most right now?:a new ipod, my last one fell down a toilet :(
11. What abstract thing do you want most right now?:trustworthy friends.
12. If you could have anything in the world right now, be it material or abstract, what would you choose?:happyness.
Thank you for your time