1. Name: Amelia
2. Nickname: Mia
3. Birthday / Age / Zodiac Sign (No one under 13, please): March 6, 21, Pisces
4. Location: Toronto, Ontario
5. Three positive adjectives about yourself: intelligent, sensitive, loyal
6. Three negative adjectives about yourself: indecisive, sensitive, Scattered
7. Likes: cooking, makeup, fashion, literature, music, politics, animals, video games, fair-trade chocolate, travel, comics
8. Dislikes: conflict, pesticides, golf, human rights violations
9. Hobbies and/or Talents: Singing (namely opera and music theatre), gaming, exercise, baking
10. Family or Money: Family
11. Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
12. Courageous or Cowardly: Courageous
13. Feminine or Masculine: Feminine
14. Seductive or Innocent: Seductive
15. If you could ask Sofia Coppola one question, what would it be?: I must know when the next movie is out! I think that I would much prefer to talk with her about how much her movies have appealed to me, and how happy I am that someone has finally created such wonderful, dimensional female characters for modern young women to look up to. Asking one question would be very difficult.
16. If you could ask Marie-Antoinette or Louis XVI one question, who would you pick and what would the question be?:
I would like to ask Marie how she coped with all the slander and gossip she faced. She faced these things from both at Versailles and from ordinary French citizens, and it could not have been easy. As a person who feels incredibly hurt when people say cruel, untrue things, I cannot imagine having to deal with this. It would be interesting to hear how someone so young faced gossip beyond what I can even imagine.
17. What is your favourite quote from the movie?: Marie-Antoinette: This is ridiculous.
Comtesse de Noailles: This, Madame, is Versailles. I liked this because it stemmed from an actual situation Marie Antoinette faced when dressing at Versailles. It shows her frustration, but the Comtesse's reply is so matter-of-fact that it implies that the young princess will simply have to live with all the tradition, regardless of it's ridiculousness.
18. With what character do you identify the most and why?:
I think I identify with different characters at different times. I definitely feel sympathetic towards Marie Antoinette, because I try very hard to make my family and those around me proud of me. I also understand her desire for escapism into things like fashion. However, I am fairly political, so I also identify with Mercy, who, as an ambassador, is also trying to please many people, but more involved in the politics of the time.
19. Who is your favourite character and why?: I love the Duchesse de Polignac. She is so entertaining and spirited, and very unlike me! I love her openness and sense of fun.
20. If you were in Marie-Antoinette & Louis XVI's position, how do you think you would try to handle the situation (just before the actual start of the Revolution)?: Just before the start of the Revolution, I don't think much could be done. The situation had already reached such a critical point, that there was very little that could be done to turn back. I think facing the situation with dignity, and trying to get those I loved to safety would have been my priority. Then, I believe I would have tried to enjoy the time I had left with those closest to me.
With my boyfriend.
Bettie Page-style
Last year's Hallowe'en costume.
Just because it's funny.
Thank you all in advance!