Stamped as Lamballe/ Items theme

Aug 08, 2008 12:21


1. Name: Blue

2. Previously stamped as:
-Princess de Lamballe
-Lamballe(lookalike theme)
-Duke(Rank theme)


3. What is your favourite posession? Why?: Probably my Prismacolor pencils and my sketchbook, because they help me create and it means alot to me. But I also adore my anime plushes, lol. 'Cause they're cute.

4. What is your favourite movie (apart from Marie Antoinette) and what is your favourite prop used in that movie? Why?: Definitely Sayuri's kimono from Memoirs of a Geisha(another visually stunning movie.) I pick that because they're gorgeous, pretty much. c:

5. What is your favourite television show and what is your favourite prop used in that show? Why?: Strange as it is, I don't actually have a favorite television show. Does an anime count if it ran on TV once? xD So I'm gonna say..the mirror of Forlorn Hope from Yu Yu Hakusho.
It grants your wish but takes your life afterwards. an interesting concept?

6. If you were the hero in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?: A fancy mask to cover my identity, lol.

7. If you were the villain in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?: Some kind of magical sword to kill the hero with~

8. What is the one thing you most want to do in your life?: Travel to Japan, France..lots of places.

9. If you could change one aspect about yourself or your life, what would it be?: I'd wish to be abit more outgoing then I am.

10. What material item do you want most right now?: Watercolors would be nice.

11. What abstract thing do you want most right now?: Serenity.

12. If you could have anything in the world right now, be it material or abstract, what would you choose?: Love. Not in a romantic way, I mean love in general. Yeah I dunno~ lol. ^^ <33


I look like such a drama queen there, lol. xD

Thanks for reading my application ♥!

item: the queen's fans

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