Lamballe // Items Themed

Aug 10, 2008 14:58


1. Name:Emily

2. Previously stamped as:Lamballe, Trianon, truffle cake, comtess


3. What is your favourite posession? Why?:erm.. phone! i need contact with everybody

4. What is your favourite movie (apart from Marie Antoinette) and what is your favourite prop used in that movie? Why?:Brides Head Revisited - Julia's Umbrella - its stunning!

5. What is your favourite television show and what is your favourite prop used in that show? Why?:The office -- Paper clips -- becuase jim threw them at dwight

6. If you were the hero in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?:a super hero? um... a cool belt maybe lol!

7. If you were the villain in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?:a cape!?

8. What is the one thing you most want to do in your life?:Travel the world!

9. If you could change one aspect about yourself or your life, what would it be?:I would be closer with different family members

10. What material item do you want most right now?:A new Vera Bradley Bag

11. What abstract thing do you want most right now?:a new hair color! lol

12. If you could have anything in the world right now, be it material or abstract, what would you choose?:World Peace.. i'm tired of all the fighting


item: sofia's converse

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