Stamped as Count Axel von Fersen/Items Theme

Aug 13, 2008 10:10


1. Name: Amelia

2. Previously stamped as: Count Axel von Fersen


3. What is your favourite posession? Why?: Probably my iPod. Items don't become especially sentimental to me, but I can't live without music and my iPod.

4. What is your favourite movie (apart from Marie Antoinette) and what is your favourite prop used in that movie? Why?: Lost in Translation is one of my favourites. I love Charlotte's pink wig. Not only did I have pink hair for a while, but I love how it only further serves to emphasize her differences. Instead of trying to blend in, she wears something that makes her stand out.

5. What is your favourite television show and what is your favourite prop used in that show? Why?: I am currently addicted to Dexter. I think the lead character's glass slides with the samples of the blood from his victims is pretty cool. Very dark and morbid, but made to be so orderly and neat.

6. If you were the hero in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?: A sword. I think fencing is pretty neat, and I've always wanted to learn how. Also, I dislike guns immensely. Scratch sword though, can I have a lightsabre? That's like a sword 2.0.

7. If you were the villain in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?: A cool hat. I love hats, and villains in nifty hats are appealing to me.

8. What is the one thing you most want to do in your life?: Love and be loved.

9. If you could change one aspect about yourself or your life, what would it be?: I wish I had enough money that I didn't have to worry about funding myself through school.

10. What material item do you want most right now?: Some potato rosti. I'm hungry.

11. What abstract thing do you want most right now?: A hug.

12. If you could have anything in the world right now, be it material or abstract, what would you choose?: The contents of Paris Fashion week in my size.


item: the queen's shoes

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