Lamballe // Song Theme

Sep 01, 2008 18:30


1. Name: Emily

2. Previously stamped as: Lamballe, converse, truffle dress, comtess, trianon


3. Rate these from most important to least important: love, friends, family, money, power, sex, beauty.Love, Family, Friends, Sex, Money, Beauty, Power

4. What is your motto or philosophy on life?:Be Your Self.. in all kinds of Difficulty.
5. What do you want people to remember you as?:being nice, kind, carefree!


6. Rule-Follower or Rule-Breaker:BOTH XD
7. Calm or Aggressive: calm
8. Serious or Cheerful: Cheerful
9. Carefree or Worrisome:carefree
10. Sensual or Wholesome: both
11. Modern or Old-Fashioned: Old - Fashioned
12. Troubled or Relaxed: Relaxed
13. Frivolous or Humble: Humble
14. Living in the Moment or Living in the Past:Moment
15. Childish or Mature: both!


16. Which is your favourite song from the soundtrack?:probably Opus 23? the one where she is walking back to Versailles, from the trianon

17. Which is your least favourite song from the soundtrack?:i don't have a least favorite

18. Which song from the soundtrack do you identify with the most?:Fools Rush in

19. Pick a lyric from one of the songs from the soundtrack that speaks most to you and explain why:: "my heart above my head.. thought i see the danger there.. if there is a chance for me.. then i don't care!" I think is so lovely! because everybody is trying to find that one person they connect with, and will do any thing for them.

20. Other than songs from the soundtrack, which is your favourite song? (Maximum of three songs, please).:Fools Rush in -- I want Candy -- K. 213


Please vote on the application before yours (so it's fair) and provide the link:

song: what ever happened

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