Stamped as Maria Theresa || Song Theme

Sep 01, 2008 17:41


1. Name: Ari

2. Previously stamped as:
Regular: Maria Theresa
Mirror: Duchesse de Polignic


3. Rate these from most important to least important: love, friends, family, money, power, sex, beauty.
Friends, Power, Sex, Beauty, Money, Family, Love.

4. What is your motto or philosophy on life?:
Can be summed up in Poe's Diddling;

"Grin: -- Your true diddler winds up all with a grin. But this nobody sees but himself. He grins when his daily work is done -- when his allotted labors are accomplished -- at night in his own closet, and altogether for his own private entertainment. He goes home. He locks his door. He divests himself of his clothes. He puts out his candle. He gets into bed. He places his head upon the pillow. All this done, and your diddler grins. This is no hypothesis. It is a matter of course. I reason a priority, and a diddle would be no diddle without a grin. "

5. What do you want people to remember you as?: It doesn't matter, I'm probably a lot of different things to a lot of different people, I just really want to be remembered. That's what important, not really the what.


6. Rule-Follower or Rule-Breaker:

7. Calm or Aggressive:

8. Serious or Cheerful:

9. Carefree or Worrisome:
Worrisome; Sometimes I have trouble turning off my mind and just relaxing fully, in the back of my mind, always, I'm thinking of things I need to do or should be doing, etc.

10. Sensual or Wholesome:
Sensual, even when I don't mean to be. Or especially when I mean to be haha.

11. Modern or Old-Fashioned:
Modern, I'm a total techno-whore.

12. Troubled or Relaxed:

13. Frivolous or Humble:

14. Living in the Moment or Living in the Past:
Living in the Moment

15. Childish or Mature:
Childish; yeah I have little maturity. Really, the word "shampooing" makes me burst into giggles because it ends in "pooing". BUT I AM GETTING BETTER, more mature and adult-like, especially if the situation calls for seriousness I can get myself together.


16. Which is your favourite song from the soundtrack?: Kings of the Wild Frontier

17. Which is your least favourite song from the soundtrack?: I adore this soundtrack, but I guess I'm going to go with Plainsong by The Cure, because according to itunes, it's the one I've listened to the least.

18. Which song from the soundtrack do you identify with the most?: Hahahahaha yes. Bow wow wow's Aphrodisiac. or I Want Candy, maybe.

19. Pick a lyric from one of the songs from the soundtrack that speaks most to you and explain why::
My habits and faults, all seeming rolled into one mad groovin package. What's not to like?

The problem of leisure
What to do for pleasure
Ideal love a new purchase
A market of the senses
Dream of the perfect life

20. Other than songs from the soundtrack, which is your favourite song? (Maximum of three songs, please).: ONLY THREE SONGS? THIS IS SO HARD.

Okkervil River; "Our life is not a movie or maybe"
The Gorillaz; "Last Living Souls"
The Flobots; "Handlebars"


Please vote on the application before yours (so it's fair) and provide the link:

song: aphrodisiac

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