1. Name: Blue
2. Previously stamped as:
~Lamballe(lookalike theme)
~The Queen's fans
3. Rate these from most important to least important: love, friends, family, money, power, sex, beauty. Friends, love, family, beauty, money, power, sex
4. What is your motto or philosophy on life?: Live life as it is. Live in the present and hope for the future. Personally I think it's better to pick 'the road less traveled' too.
5. What do you want people to remember you as?: someone who was kind to others.
6. Rule-Follower or Rule-Breaker: Abit of both. xD ?
7. Calm or Aggressive: Calm
8. Serious or Cheerful: Again, I have my moments of both. ^^;
9. Carefree or Worrisome: Worrisome.
10. Sensual or Wholesome: Wholesome.
11. Modern or Old-Fashioned: Modern. I like old style things too though! ;P
12. Troubled or Relaxed: More relaxed these days.
13. Frivolous or Humble: Humble.
14. Living in the Moment or Living in the Past: The moment.
15. Childish or Mature: Mature.
16. Which is your favourite song from the soundtrack?: Natural's Not in It. I love how it sounds.
17. Which is your least favourite song from the soundtrack?: Fools Rush In. They lyrics are pretty, it's just that the song itself irritates me for some reason. I don't like any of that opera stuff either. xD
18. Which song from the soundtrack do you identify with the most?: Sorry, but I really don't know yet!
19. Pick a lyric from one of the songs from the soundtrack that speaks most to you and explain why::
"It could ever be
So easy to see
Across a frozen field you hear a call
With the urgency
Of the boiling sea"
It's just very poetic sounding, so I like it. c: Ah I'm probably making this harder for you, sorry, but I'm not good at explaining things. ^^;
20. Other than songs from the soundtrack, which is your favourite song? (Maximum of three songs, please).: Wild Side by Motley Crue, Here I go Again by Whitesnake, and Hit the Floor by Linkin Park.
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