1. Name: Elizabeth
2. Previously stamped as: Duchesse de Polignac
I Want Candy (soundtrack theme)
Joseph II (matchmaker theme)
United States (18th-Century countries theme)
Trianon Gown (gowns theme)
Trianon Scene (scene theme)
Aunt Sophie (look-a-like theme)
Duchesse (Ranks of Versailles theme)
Jason's Laptop (Items theme)
3. Gender: Female
4. Sexual Preference: I saw this in another app, and I couldn't help but agree: "I really detest labels, but I must admit I do swing both ways." It was definitely along those lines, I apologize to the original poster if I botched it too much!
5. What traits do you look for in a partner?: Intelligent, funny, caring, attentive but not overbearing, sweet.
6. What traits do you find annoying?: Clingyness (is that a word? lol, it is now. XD), intolerance, generally being disgusting (i.e., burping and not saying "Excuse me"), dissing my music (I like country and showtunes, and while I'm aware it's not for everyone, they can just not comment while it's on. LOL!), not accepting my friends/beliefs/whatever for who/what they are.
7. Describe your outlook on love: I believe there's one person out there who's right for me. That being said, that doesn't mean I can't have a bit of fun while I'm looking for them! And when I DO find that one person, I'm going to keep them as close as possible. :D
8. What traits/hobbies would you want to share with your partner?: I'd love LOVE if they liked to take long walks with me. That would be awesome. Creativity would be awesome as well, intelligence too. Don't get me wrong, I don't want an exact copy of me (trust me, the world is NOT prepared for that), but having those core traits would be a great thing.
9. Love or lust?: I believe you can have lust without love, but having love without lust seems like it'd be harder. *shrug* Maybe that's just me. Personally, I'd prefer love.
10. Are you willing to accept a match that isn't your sexual preference?: Of course!
(about you)
11. Loud or Quiet: Loud-i.e., belting out the words along with the music, shouting at someone when I'm angry, cheering at the top of my voice at a concert or event
12. Outgoing or Reserved: Definitely outgoing
13. Aggressive or Passive: Aggressive-I'm not about to let anyone walk all over me
14. Leader or Follower: I'm more of a leader, my circle of friends tends to look at me to make decisions about where to eat, what movie to see, what to do that night, etc.
15. Romantic or Unromantic: I'm SUCH a sappy romantic, sometimes I make mySELF gag! LMAO!
16. Opinionated or Submissive: I'm very opinionated, to the point that my mouth gets me into trouble sometimes. ;D
17. Subjective or Objective: I try to be objective, but Lord knows, it's hard! Sometimes you want to kick someone's ass for what they've said, but you can't. Because even though it may have pissed you off, they've still got the right to say what they like-that's the beauty of the 1st Amendment. [/end rant]
Back to the question...I'd say I'm objective 90% of the time, subjective the other 10%.
(about your ideal partner)
18. Loud or Quiet: Loud-sometimes quiet men unsettle me
19. Outgoing or Reserved: Outgoing
20. Aggressive or Passive: Aggressive-it can be hot, if it doesn't cross the line over to caveman-ish. LOL!
21. Leader or Follower: Leader-being able to make your own decisions is a great thing. I should know, since I'm often forced to make decisions for my group of friends. ;D
22. Romantic or Unromantic: Romantic, definitely
23. Opinionated or Submissive: Opinionated, because I'm the same way. I think butting heads could be fun. :D
24. Subjective or Objective: Objective-I've found it's really helpful to take a step back and look at all the sides of a situation, without being judgemental or biased.
25. Anything else you would like to add that you think we should know when choosing your ideal match?: Nope, I think that's pretty much it!
(Kiss Me, Kate)
(Angel, me, and Angel's friend)