1. Name: Pearly
2. Previously stamped as: Princess de Lamballe (and so many other things)
3. What traits do you look for in a friend?: Someone who likes me for who I'm, they don't haft to share my interest, but I would like them to respect my interest and someone is a lot of fun to hang out with!
4. What traits do you find annoying?: Urg, the ones who are always on about some drama all the time, we all have problems but not all the time please...and some one is always constantly worried about how the look, it gets boring when their always asking you how they look, oh and the ones who are only friends with you because of your looks, skills, popularity ect; (damn, this sounds like my real friends! lol)
5. What traits do you find unacceptable?: DRUNKS! (oh wait, thats my class...) and controlling.
6. What traits/hobbies would you want to share with your partner?: Hmmm...probably watching movies and just going out in general, like the beach.
7. Do you get along better with guys or with girls?: Girls.
8. Who is/are your best friend/s?: Klim, Nick, Kik, Ploy and Bethany.
9. Why are they your best friend/s?: Well, Klim was kind of the first person that came up and talked to me on the first day of M.4 (grade 10) and she introduced me to her friends, shes funny and beautiful along with my other friends! and as for Bethany I was kinna scared to talk to her at ballet because she looked like a snob but after a while I found out she was nice and we've been friends since!
10. Anything else you would like to add that you think we should know when choosing your Versailles best friend?: Hmmm...nope.