1. Name: Kira
2. Previously stamped as: Louis XVI
3. What traits do you look for in a friend?: Sense of humor, similar interests, but also differing interests, creativity, intelligence, and the ability to be completely off the wall and goofy is a big plus too. :)
4. What traits do you find annoying?: Feelings of entitlement/feeling they are above me (or anyone). Telling me my opinions are false or stupid (I educate myself well on issues I feel strongly about and this includes researching BOTH sides.) Putting me down. Bad manners.
5. What traits do you find unacceptable?: Lying, being two-faced.
6. What traits/hobbies would you want to share with your partner?: Oh, pretty much everything. I think photography I'd like to keep to myself. Otherwise, I don't mind learning new things, and teaching others. I'd gladly teach photography, but I won't go out with a friend and take pictures of the same thing as them.
7. Do you get along better with guys or with girls?: Depends on the subject matter... I'd say both equally.
8. Who is/are your best friend/s?: Eh, Michael, Craig and Mandi?
9. Why are they your best friend/s?: Michael knows probably the most about me, I think he and Mandi could flip-flop on that. I get along best with these three people without any effort. We are perfectly fine just sitting and not talking, but also being goofy and talking about random things.
10. Anything else you would like to add that you think we should know when choosing your Versailles best friend?: Please not Louis XVI, since I'm already stamped as him. haha