1. Name: Angie
2. Nickname:
3. Birthday / Age / Zodiac Sign (No one under 13, please): August 8, 1980/27/Leo
4. Location: California
5. Three positive adjectives about yourself: polite , opinionated , spirited
6. Three negative adjectives about yourself: headstrong, stubborn ,selfish
7. Likes: art , writing,shopping
8. Dislikes: being broke, lack of privacy ,rules
9. Hobbies and/or Talents: singing , playing with animals
10. Family or Money: family
11. Optimistic or Pessimistic: pessimistic
12. Courageous or Cowardly: courageous
13. Feminine or Masculine: feminine
14. Seductive or Innocent: seductive
15. If you could ask Sofia Coppola one question, what would it be?: Why did decide to make this film,what inspired you?
16. If you could ask Marie-Antoinette or Louis XVI one question, who would you pick and what would the question be?:
I wouldn't asked them anything just give them hugs.They were young pawns in a game they didn't know how to play.
17. What is your favourite quote from the movie?:
Marie-Antoinette: This is ridiculous.
Comtesse de Noailles: This, Madame, is Versailles.
18. With what character do you identify the most and why?: Marie, because she felt stifled and controlled in the environment she was in.
19. Who is your favourite character and why?: Lamballe. I loved how she was quiet and demure yet still a strong woman and girly too.
20. If you were in Marie-Antoinette & Louis XVI's position, how do you think you would try to handle the situation (just before the actual start of the Revolution)?:well being a woman back then you didn't have much power so if I did try to help it would have only made things worse,wouldn't it?