1. Name: Fanny
2. Location: Glasgow, Scotland
3. Three positive adjectives you cannot say about yourself: sociable, selfless, even-tempered
4. Three negative adjectives you cannot say about yourself: narrow-minded, cruel, pretentious
5. Hobbies and/or Talents you absolutely do not posses: singing, dancing, most sports, socialising, sewing, making my own stuff (except food), decoration...
6. Family or Money: Family
7. Optimistic or Pessimistic: a healthy (?) mixture of both
8. Courageous or Cowardly: slightly more courageous
9. Feminine or Masculine: feminine
10. Seductive or Innocent: a bit of both
11. If you were in Marie-Antoinette & Louis XVI's position, how do you think you would try to handle the situation (just before the actual start of the Revolution)?: I would try to inform myself more on the situation to understand why the people were so angry (I genuinely think they had no clue what was going on outside Versailles) and then take measures to reduce injustice.
12. Previously stamped as:: Duchesse de Polignac, Jason's laptop, Sweden, best friend Lamballe, match Duc de Choiseul, Opus 17/26/33, Coat Dress...
picTURES: none, sorry