1. Name: Caitlin
2. Location: Planet Earth, you?
3. Three positive adjectives you cannot say about yourself: Happy, outgoing, social.
4. Three negative adjectives you cannot say about yourself: Er... naive, being too trusting (?), unrealistic (?).
5. Hobbies and/or Talents you absolutely do not posses: The ability to do math, the ability to sit down & really study, & sometimes the ability to really concentrate on one thing.
6. Family or Money: Hahah. Money. Family is crazy & annoying.
7. Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic.
8. Courageous or Cowardly: I'd like to be courageous, but i think i'm a coward.
9. Feminine or Masculine: Probably more masculine..?
10. Seductive or Innocent: Innocent. :p
11. If you were in Marie-Antoinette & Louis XVI's position, how do you think you would try to handle the situation (just before the actual start of the Revolution)?: Cut back on the frivolity & get involved in seeing how the situation could be fixed, even if only slightly.
12. Previously stamped as:: Louis XIV (for regular & look-alike), Mob Scene, Ambassador Mercy's squeeze (?), Mourning Gown... things i am probably not remembering because i am away from home & regular computer. I'm sorry. :\\
picTURES: I have none.