1. Name: Lennox Lauren (Two first names, go figure -_-)
2. Nickname: Knox, Knoxie, LenLen, Lola, Len, Lennie, Knoxers, John xD
3. Birthday / Age / Zodiac Sign (No one under 13, please): August 27th, 17, Virgo
4. Location: Born in Liverpool, currently in Vancouver.
5. Three positive adjectives about yourself: (Adjectives? -blinks- XD) Calm, almost passive, gentle, kind, deadpan, observant, sarcastic, quiet, independent, stubborn, focused. Honestly, when I say quiet, I mean, I don't speak unless spoken to and unless I want to to people I like for DAYS. I don't talk to hear the sound of my own voice, 'less I have something to say.
6. Three negative adjectives about yourself: (I'm better at descriptions XD) Too quietly stubborn to let others help me if I need it, too independent to ask for it. I also suffer from depression.
7. Likes: Love, music, human kindness.
8. Dislikes: Fear.
9. Hobbies and/or Talents: Music, Athletics, baking, running, gardening, reading, writing, voicing my opinion.
10. Family or Money: Love, so I would hope family.
11. Optimistic or Pessimistic: Neither, realist.
12. Courageous or Cowardly: Courageous.
13. Feminine or Masculine: Masculine.
14. Seductive or Innocent: Innocently seductive.
15. If you could ask Sofia Coppola one question, what would it be?: Could you introduce me to Francis? (>:3 For shame! xD)
16. If you could ask Marie-Antoinette or Louis XVI one question, who would you pick and what would the question be?: I would ask Marie if she regretted anything in her life. I'm positive she'd say no.
17. What is your favourite quote from the movie?: 'Oh, you were not what was desired, but that makes you no less dear to me. A boy would have been the Son of France, but you Marie Terese shall be mine.'-M.A.
18. With what character do you identify the most and why?: Probably Count Axel, because I can be incrediably romantic and idealistic, as well as dangerous and careless in things I do.
19. Who is your favourite character and why?: Joseph, because he seems the only reasonable person not to be caught up in everything >.>
20. If you were in Marie-Antoinette & Louis XVI's position, how do you think you would try to handle the situation (just before the actual start of the Revolution)?: Definitely cut down on palace expenses, make Versailles more of a government and less of a party house, and spread the wealth thoroughout the land.