1. Name: Audrey
2. Previously stamped as:Louis XVI
United Kingdom
Axel Von Fersen
Coronation Gown
Hangover Scene
Aunt Victoire
3. What are your ambitions in life?: to not work retail! :D
4. What do you consider your top priorities in life?: my hobbies. I know that sounds terrible, but all I do is work and my hobbies. I have to do work, so I make sure I have hobbies to keep me sane.
5. What is your dream job?: Historical Costumer
6. What are your strengths?: creativity, punctuality
7. Are you interested in politics?: Yes, but not enough to be a politian.
8. How important is money to you?: Moderately important. I'd like to have enough to live comfortably and have a little left over to cover my hobbies.
9. How important is power to you?: I'm not sure. Powerful is nice, but I wouldn't want the responsibility that comes with it. So, like, enough power to order people around, but not enough to be held responsible.:D ahah
10. How important is freedom in your job to you?: I certainly wish I had more freedom in my job than I currently do!
11. Do you prefer having a routine or doing everything spontaneously?: I like routine.
12. Be Well-Known or Have Privacy: Privacy
13. Work by Yourself or Work with Others: By myself
14. Have One Steady Job or Have Various Temporary Jobs: I don't know. Sometimes I want both for different reasons
15. Liberal or Conservative: Liberal
picTURES not this time.