The most simplified application in the world. :P
1. Name: Caitlin.
2. Previously stamped as: Louis XVI, Mourning Gown, Ambassador Mercy's... lovewhatever, Mob scene, Louis XVI lookalike(sp?).
3. What are your ambitions in life?: Um. Ha ha?
4. What do you consider your top priorities in life?: ...?
5. What is your dream job?: ?
6. What are your strengths?: n/a
7. Are you interested in politics?: No. Politics aggravate me; all it is is a bunch of "grown-ups" acting like idiotic toddlers. And i don't trust politicians.
8. How important is money to you?: Very.
9. How important is power to you?: Not really.
10. How important is freedom in your job to you?: Very.
11. Do you prefer having a routine or doing everything spontaneously?: Routine. Spontaneous can be ok sometimes.
12. Be Well-Known or Have Privacy: Probably have privacy, though being well-known has its allure working for it.
13. Work by Yourself or Work with Others: By myself.
14. Have One Steady Job or Have Various Temporary Jobs: Hm. A steady job would be nice.
15. Liberal or Conservative: On the fence. That way you can see what's growing in both gardens.
Nope! They do not exist.