Rank Theme // Stamped as Lamballe

Jul 05, 2008 23:10


1. Name: M.

2. Previously stamped as: Lamballe.


3. What are your ambitions in life?: Simply to be happy, preferably while doing something stunning with my life. I'd like to make sleepy 16mm movies or write the great American novel or bake tiny pink cakes for artists and rebels or sing out ska songs in pint-sized venues. Really, I just want to fill my life with little pieces of happiness.

4. What do you consider your top priorities in life?: Living somewhere spectacular, trying as many new foods as I possibly can, traveling as much as humanly possible, becoming published in some way shape or form, and making sure that my family is comfortable for the rest of their lives.

5. What is your dream job?: The problem I have is that I can't pick just one. I have these flings with various career paths, throwing myself at baking or directing or writing or party planning. I pick through all the things that I love about life and have a staring contest with their matching careers, hoping that one of them will pull me in somehow.

6. What are your strengths?: My main strength is writing - basically, it's the bread-winning trait! But I consider myself to be a pretty strong baker and designer, as well!

7. Are you interested in politics?: Not in the least bit. My daring, dashing loverboy is a political junkie, though - He's always reading me poll results over breakfast in bed or chuckling over headlines, humming about how much he loves POTUS 08 or his growing distaste for CNN. He tries so hard to get me interested and he has pulled me in a couple of times, but generally speaking I find myself very bored with politics.

8. How important is money to you?: Important enough. It's important for me to be comfortable, maybe a little bit lavish, but mainly just comfortable. I was raised by a single-parent so I know real money woes, and I don't want anyone to have to go through that kind of real struggle.

9. How important is power to you?: Power, not at all. The independence that comes with power, now that's a different story.

10. How important is freedom in your job to you?: So incredibly important. I need freedom in whatever I do, not just my job, but I can never be put in a position where I have no say and no freedom. I wilt without it.

11. Do you prefer having a routine or doing everything spontaneously?: Spontaneity is my middle name! Routine makes my stomach lurch!


12. Be Well-Known or Have Privacy: Be well-known, but "have privacy" is a very close second.
13. Work by Yourself or Work with Others: Work by myself.
14. Have One Steady Job or Have Various Temporary Jobs: Hmm. I'm leaning towards various temporary jobs, only because there are so many things I want to do with my life.
15. Liberal or Conservative: Liberal.


rank: royal mistress

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