1. Name:Stephanie
2. Previously stamped as:Duchess De Polignac (she was also my match), USA, Mauve Gown, My lookalike was Lamballe, Hairdo Scene...can't remember what else.
3. What are your ambitions in life?: To move out of Unionville before I die and never talk to my in laws again. Hahahaha! Also to make lots of money and have my own business.
4. What do you consider your top priorities in life?:I'd love to say they are God, family, work, whatever in order from most to least important, but lately they've been work, whatever, family & God at the bottom. I suck. :P
5. What is your dream job?: Pet rock groomer.
6. What are your strengths?:I can almost eat as much as I can lift. And I can say things convincingly enough for people to buy what I say...most of the time. ;)
7. Are you interested in politics?: Yes, but only in the practical sense. Like which crook, if I vote for him/her/whatever, will I regret least when they are in office? Like any of them truly give a rip that people are skipping meals to pay for gas, but whatever. It's important to try to research candidates so that later you can complain authoratatively on whoever let you down in what issue! LOL
8. How important is money to you?: I know it's not pc to say you heart money but I do. Or rather I heart the freedoms and options money can give one.
9. How important is power to you?:Usually if you have money, then you can call the shots. That's power. And power means never having to say you are sorry!
10. How important is freedom in your job to you?:Eh, it's relative. I've had jobs where they monitor your breathing on company time and I've worked for hippies who are dimly aware that you've showed up.
11. Do you prefer having a routine or doing everything spontaneously?: I prefer a routine composition accented by spontaneous flourishes every now & then!
12. Be Well-Known or Have Privacy:Well known
13. Work by Yourself or Work with Others:Work with others but on my terms!
14. Have One Steady Job or Have Various Temporary Jobs:Steady job=Steady paycheck.
15. Liberal or Conservative:Conservative
No thanks, I'm full.