SCUZE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lol!!!!!!
March 14 2004, 16:02:51 UTC
Your so fuckin cute!!!! I miss you sooooo much!! and duhhhhhhh marie I never said anything about YOU joining the navy!!!!! I am and you and Jeff would just live me wherever I am stationed!!!! DUHHHH Obviously you of all people would not be forced to join the navy!!!lol!!! what the hell is the whole flavered lube thing about? well anyways I'm not sure if I'm sooooo in love with Jeff. He is starting his lieing bullshit again!! I havent seen him in a week!!! and he keeps telling me, "yeah, I'll come see you tonight" But he never does!!!!!!!today is my moms birthday!!! She's 35!! ha aha aha !!!!! LOL!!!! I guess if I just kiss their asses and pretend to like them, they'll let me off groundation!!! And if I get a job soon, then I can pay for insurance on the blue car and Bill will let me drive it!!!!! They gave me the van, but Bill took the sound system out and put in the white car!!! so now the van has no use to me!!! I'ts a piece of shit any ways!!!! well I gotta go, so email again ok? I LOVE YOU!!!!! BYE!!!!
Comments 2
i'll e-mail the password to you...but i think you can figure it out...hint: yeahdude :) get it?
k, gotta go work chat lata
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