Tutorial - Random headers for all accounts - free and paid

Oct 26, 2008 11:21

I found a solution that give free or plus account the possibility to get random headers without heavy coding.

1 - You need to know how to use a FTP client.
Under mozilla, simple download the addon: FireFTP
Under IE download Filezilla
Both are Free ...

2 - Go to Funpic.org create an account

3 - Once the account created, create the FTP account
- Activate the FTP Status
- Create a new password, needed for security.

Once that done, lunch your FTP client
Put in the needed informations:

Account name: Funpic
Host : ftp.YOURLOGIN.ma.funpic.org


Login and it should work!

Once logged in create a folder, name it Header, or Random, or what you want.

Grab this code : Code for Random Headers save it on your Hard Drive, Change the Extension to .PHP

Log into your FTP account, put the file in the folder you created, then add the pictures you want for your header.

Once that done, go into your CSS, where you normally put your header.

Exemple: for Flexible Square, here's the code I use on my personal LJ:

#header {position: relative; height: 300px; background: url(YOUR IMAGE LINK) top center no-repeat;}

Put this instead:
#header {position: relative; height: 300px; background: url(http://maril11.ma.funpic.org/marillapm67/36/randomizer.php) top center no-repeat;}

The red code, being the link to your randomizer header. Don't forget this code is formatted for my own LJ, you have to tweak it for yours.

That's it, you are done.

If any problems, just call me.


tutorial: random header, layouts: free account, layouts: paid account

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