Московскую городскую усадьбу на улице Поварской последние дни постоянно вспоминают и показывают по телевидению в связи с Дедом Хасаном, ставшим жертвой киллера. Неожиданный интерес к роману «Война и мир» Толстого подвиг и меня на размышления об этом месте и его обитателях. Памятная доска на здании сообщает, что «эта усадьба послужила прообразом
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Comments 11
I’m very pleased that you are interested in my information.
The album which is mentioned in the picture’s legend is stored in archive “Pushkin House” in St. Petersburg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pushkin_House).
There is some information about Bode family (with published portraits) in my book (Климкова М.А. «Край отеческий…» История усадьбы Боратынских». СПб., 2006). As far as I know this book can be purchased online.
Especially for you I put the portraits here:
You may write in English.
Best regards,
Marina Klimkova.
P.S. If you want I can send you scanned pages from books.
How pleasant and amazing it is to meet your blood relative and kinsman who is interested in the history of his kind in Russia!
My blood relationship with your mother is quite remote - it goes back centuries: I am the Korsakovs-Miloslavskys-Kolychevs-Sukhotins-Obolenskys,
our family connection through marriages is much shorter: I am Trostyansky-Focht-Sukhotins-Obolenskys.
Health, well-being and all the best.
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