yay for james for giving me a reason to be self-centered and avoid my homework.
10 years ago I was:
eleven? in junior high and miserable? still a gymnast, i think.
5 years ago I was:
let's see, i was... 16, so i was not smoking, not drinking, playing hockey, and focusing on school so as to get the hell out of wisconsin. oh, and i was very depressed.
A year ago I was:
living in twenty-sixth street, missing ove, wondering why i was even in school. oh, and i was hating my spanish class with the fire of a thousand suns. that's my strongest memory of fall of my junior year.
i slept until 11am, wasted a few hours in front of the computer, worked on my crappy bookcover at the jewelry studio, went to see pray for mojo at don hill's, helped liam steal an ashley simpson poster, got punched in the ass by liam, finally got him back right before he left, had drinks with sonia and kira and kathy, enjoyed myself immensely, walked home and went to sleep
5 snacks I enjoy:
salt & vinegar chips, hummus & pita bread, milk chocolate, [soy...] ice cream, pretzels
5 drinks I enjoy:
whiskey & coke, beer, coffee, tea, water
5 songs I know all the words to:
"fuck and run" by liz phair, "evolve" and "dilate" by ani difranco, "love ridden" and "paper bag" [and many others] by fiona apple. cuz i like the angry girl singers.
5 things I would do with $100 Million:
pay off my student loans, pay off my parents' student loans and other loans and mortgages, have a very nice party with very nice gift bags for everyone i know (and love), set up a charitable trust, make sure i'm financially stable, then travel. everywhere.
5 places I'd run away to:
praha, strasbourg to see claire (need to email her), norway to see ove (need to email him), london to see jessica and/or roger (depending on timing, you see. ooh, need to email him too), antarctica
5 favorite tv shows:
i almost never watch tv anymore, something i never thought i'd say. however, i do plan to call my parents a few weeks before break to have them tivo arrested development, drawn together, aqua teen, and... there's probably a couple more...
5 bad habits:
smoking, drinking, worrying, eating crappy food, not working out
5 biggest joys:
writing, reading, sleeping, learning, feeling loved
5 kickass fictional characters I would like to be:
elizabeth bennet, umm... there should be others, right?
5 people to tag (that means read it and do it yourself. C'mon...):
meh, anyone who secretly loves these things, consider yourself tagged! it wasn't as fun as i thought it would be, and now i'm just going to be awake that much longer. dammit.