001: Name: marina
002. Nicknames: marinatina, boat
003. Single or taken: not taken
004. Zodiac Sign: cancer
005. Male or Female: i'm all woman, fuckers
006. Elementary School: st. croix central
007. iPod: yes?
008. Screename: this is getting a little personal.
___Your Appearance___
010. Hair Color: brown
013. Hair Long or Short: longish
014. Eye Color: green, blue, sometimes grey
015. How do your nails look: longish
016. Height: 5'7.5" or so
017. Do you have a crush on someone? god yes
018. Do you like yourself? myself is way better than most people, but most people suck
019. Braces? not anymore
020. Think you're awesome?: often
021. Piercings: lip, ears
022. Tattoo: little purple star
023. Righty or Lefty: righty
___Your 'Firsts'___
024. surgery: none yet, knock on wood.
025. First piercing: ears, around 7 years or so
026. First best friend: katie brown?
027. First Award: umm.. i haven't gotten very many awards. i think dean's list second semester freshman year was the first one i cared about.
028. First Sport You Joined: ballet. or possibly gymnastics... i dunno, i was three.
029. First pet: shadow, the best cat in the whole damn world, and i miss her like whoa.
030. First vacation? probably somewhere while we were still living in germany
031. First Concert: garbage is the first one i really remember
032. First love: thinking it or actually being sure that i felt it? wait, the answer is no to both. well, maybe ove to the first one...
033. Movie: lord of the rings. shut up.
034. Favorite tv show: wow... daria. maybe futurama. or arrested development.
035. Color(s): pink. shut up.
037. Song: oooh... extraordinary machine by fiona apple
038. Food: avocado, at the moment. those damn things are like crack.
039. Drink: jack and coke. oh god i love jack and coke.
041. Sport To Play: hockey. i miss hockey.
042. Favorite piece of clothing: my 'reading is sexy' tshirt. or maybe my 'wisconsin: not so boring if you're drunk' tshirt.
044. What do you sleep with?: men.
045. School: nyu, for a few more months at least
047. Books: pride and prejudice, anything by jane austen. other stuff too.
___At Present___
049. Eating: nada.
050. I'm drinking: coffee with soy milk. i loves soy milk.
053. Listening to: whatever song they're playing here. at snice. the best cafe ever.
055. Wanting To: finish this stupid meme that i couldn't resist so i can start studying for my midterms.
057. Wearing: clothes
___Your Future___
058. Want Kids?: kids are smelly.
059. Want to Get Married?: maybe, if i find someone who likes libraries and public policy. and other incredibly nerdy things.
060. Careers in Mind: lawyer, writer, professor, traveler, high class call girl
__Which is better with the Opposite Gender__
068. Lips or Eyes: lips.
069. Hugs or Kisses: whatever.
070. Shorter or Taller: taller
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: romance is cheesy
073. nice stomach or nice arms: arms
074. Sensitive or Loud: what a stupid question. is it really either or? loud, i guess. sensitivity is for losers.
075. Hook-up or Relationship: i'd say relationship, but commitment scares me.
076. Sweet or Caring: caring.
___Have you ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger: hahaha
079. Drank bubbles: umm what?
080. Lost glasses/contacts: not permanently
081. Ran Away From Home: no
082. Broken a bone: yeah, my foot. doing gymnastics. stupid sport.
083. Got an X-ray: no, i broke my foot, but they just guessed that it was probably broken. stupid meme.
087. Cried When Someone Died: stupid meme.
088. Cried at school: probably
___Do You Believe In___
089. God: um
090. Miracles: feh
091. Love at first sight: i believe in lust at first sight.
093. Aliens: yeah
095. Heaven: i'm more in favor of reincarnation
097. Sex on the first date: believe in it like believe it occurs? or believe in it like i think it's a good idea?
098. Kissing on the First Date: duh
099. Angels: who the fuck cares?
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now: god yes. but i'm fine alone too.
101. Was that a waste of your time?: that? what, the someone i want to be with right now? i hope not. it should be 'this' if this question is supposed to refer to the meme in general. stupid meme and it's stupid ambiguous grammar. also, yes, "that" meme has been a waste of my time.