Дьявол и его проделки. Старинные гравюры 15-17 века.
The Tribulations of St. Antony
The saint is in mid-air, tormented by eight devils.
Engraving made by Martin Schongauer, Germany, 1469 - 1473.
Дьявол и черти подстерегали человека на каждом шагу, и очень многие художники тех времен не могли обойти эту тему стороной. Особенно доставалось священникам,существует множество изображений и карикатур на них(видимо, к тому были поводы:).
Dante's 'Inferno'
Ilustration for Dante's 'Inferno', dated c.1460-70.
The Tribulations of St. Antony
The saint is in mid-air, tormented by eight devils.
Engraving made by Martin Schongauer, Germany, 1469 - 1473.
St Antony standing on the demon with a staff in both hands
Van Meckenem engraved St Antony and St Quirinus on the one plate, but the only known examples are from the plate cut vertically in two halves.
Quirinus is the patron saint of Neuss near Düsseldorf and Antony was a popular saint who in the same region was called upon in times of need. In 1474/5, Neuss was attacked by troops of Charles the Bold. This print might well have been produced in response to that event, to invoke the protection of these saints.
The Saint is Lifted into the Air by Several Demons
The Saint is lifted into the air by several demons; to the right a tree with the two Saxon shields hanging in the boughs; buildings in the left background; second state; with fractures, touched in with black ink; trimmed below.
Woodcut made by the great German artist Lucas Cranach the Elder, Signed "LC", dated 1506 in the block in lower l corner.
Семь голов Люцифера.
Luther with seven heads; identifying Luther as a doctor, a monk, a Turk, a preacher, a fanatic, a church visitor and a wild man with a club. Title-page to Cochlaeus, 'Septiceps Lutherus', Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1529.
Жизнь антихриста- грешники.
Marvelous woodcut made by the German artist Matthias Gerung, c.1544-1558.
Catholic clergy revelling; clerics and prostitutes drinking and playing games at a table, a flying devil holding the papal tiara above a priest on l.
A flayed personification of Fury who rides a monster holding a skull aloft in his left hand above which is a serpent
Disturbing engraving made by the Italian print artist Jacopo Caraglio, probably between 1520 to 1539.
The destruction of the Catholic Church
Print made by Matthias Gerung
German 1547
Such Musicians suit such Dances
Devils lead a group of naked men and women in a dance amid flames; above, two monstrous winged creatures, one playing a violin, the other a trumpet.
Engraving made by John Drapentier, 1674-1700, probably a book-illustration
Diabolici Spiritus Delineatio
An engraved emblem by Theodoor Galle in Jan David's 'Veridicus Christianus'.An unillustrated version of the text, in Dutch, had previously been printed in Brussels, in 1597.
A Murdered child, a pig, devil and three jews
An engraving showing two images, on the top a altar-like platform with a murdered child, underneath a 'Judensau', a pig on which a Jew is riding backwards, from which another Jew is sucking, and with a third Jew, assisted by the devil, eating the pig's excrement.
Engraved title and text:
Anno 1476 Ward das Kindlein von Trient...von den Juden umbgebracht...
Saug du die Milch, Fris du den Treck...
The dating of the print follows Paas.
The print records an anti-Semitic wall painting, which was until 1801 on the Old Bridge Tower in Frankfurt am Main.
The print refers to the alleged ritual murder of Simon of Trent in 1475, here wrongly given as 1476.
A Christian on his deathbed -христианин на смертном одре.
Proof impression of an illustration to 'Hortulus anime Teuwtsch ...', Nuremberg: Friedrich Peypus for Johann Koberger, 1518.
Death of a Just Man
Engraving made by Carel van Mallery, After Jan van der Straet, Published by Philips Galle, Flemish school, 1596 (or after).
The Devill's Tryumph over Romes Idoll
Inscription Content Lettered above the image with the title, within the image with speech in captions numbered 1 to 8, sixteen lines of verse 'This hawhty Prelat, who disdayneth Kings, ... That trust in him; him selge he cannot save' and 'Now Devill Looke you too't for be you shure; If popish plotts can doo't you'r not secure.'.
Etching made by Francis Barlow, England, 1680. 15. Aprill.
The clergy feasting in the jaws of a devil
Woodcut Attributed to Matthias Gerung,Formerly attributed to Hans Weiditz, Germany, 1520-1560.
The Devil and the Malefactor
The Devil carrying a bag on his back at right, a man at left kneeling in fear front of him, a bell on a cord lying on the floor, a lamp hanging from a cord and a table with a jug and several pipes in left background, a wall with an arched doorway in background; large empty lower margin.
Etching made by Dirk Stoop, illustrated to John Ogilby's "The Fables of Aesop",London, Engalnd, 1665.
Three Haggard-looking Old Women, Possibly Witches, Beating the Devil to the Ground
Etching made by Daniel Hopfer, Germany, 1505-1536.
The Rich Man in Hell- богач в аду.
A man lying at centre, surrounded and tormented by demons, water being poured over his head, Abraham with the same man on his lap on clouds in top left corner.
Engraving made by Aegidius Sadeler II, after Palma Vecchio. Published by Marco Sadeler, Belgium, 1595.
Marriage for Wealth Officiated by Satan
Satan, with a female breast and a goat legs, stands between a finely attired couple who face each other and hold hands.
Engraving made by Jan Saenredam after Hendrik Goltzius, Holland, 1595 (circa).
The Devil trying to unravel the peasants spun thread
Etching made by Pieter Jansz. Quast & Published by Claes Jansz Visscher, Holand,1634-1640 (published 1652). Formerly attributed to Pieter Nolpe.
A woman seated at a table and weighing coins while two demonic creatures appear at left & a personification of Death holding an hour-glass and looking through a window
Mezzotint made by Jan van der Bruggen After David Teniers the Younger, Belgium, 1665-1690.
The young Weisskunig instructed in the Black Arts -обучение черной магии.
The young Weisskunig instructed in the Black Arts; Maximilian and his tutor standing at centre, to left an old witch with a devil, on right a monk with an angel. Above two books containing the secrets of astrology suspended from two stars. Early proof for an illustration to 'Der Weisskunig'.
Made by Hans Burgkmair the Elder in 1516. based on Der Weisskunig.
Три демона выходят из женщины.
Three demons coming out of the body of a woman lying in a bed and held by several figures
Representation of the Annunciation in top left corner; illustration to 'Scelta d'alcuni miracoli e grazie della santissima nunziata di Firenze' (Florence: Pietro Cecconcelli, 1619).
Флагелляция- тоже изгнание дьявола.
Interior of a monastery with a monk tied to a column and being flagellated by several nuns holding whips
Mezzotint made by Jacob Gole After Cornelis Dusart, 1684-1724.
Inscription Content: Lettered in lower centre of impression: "Broer Cornelis".
Depart pour le Sabat
Made in 1755 by Jean Jacques Aliamet After David Teniers the Younger
Ritual in an interior during the night; in the foreground on the left, a witch sitting at a table with demons and preparing a potion; in the background, a witch kneeling in front of a fireplace and pushing a naked woman towards the fire.
A drunken child chained by the devil - пьяного(!) ребенка заковывают в цепи.(!)
Illustration to Johann von Schwartzenberg, 'Ain buchle wider das zutrincken', Woodcut made by Jörg Breu I, Printed by Heinrich Steiner and published as part of 'Der Teütsch Cicero', Augsburg, Germany, 1535.
особенно любили шутки про священников и чертей.
Священников загоняют в ад.
Devils chasing monks and clerics into the mouth of Hell
Woodcut Attributed to Erhard Schön; the hunt with nets and dogs towards the mouth of a large boar at left; printed from four blocks.
Germany, 1525.
The Descent of the Pope into Hell -Священников везут в ад.
The pope on horseback on r, behind him a carriage filled with cardinals and bishops. In front two devilish creatures attacking a monk, the devil on the left carrying a bishop in a sling basket on his back. Behind the carriage a tree from which papal bulls and insignia are hanging. On right a building on fire filled with clerics.
Print made by the wonderful artist Sebald Beham, Germany, 1524.
In the centre Lucifer torturing several damned souls, some of whom are named (eg. 'BRUTO, TOLOMEO, ANTENOR, CHASSIO'); around this other sinners are being tortured by devils; various cardinal sins are also indicated (eg. 'LUSURIA, AVARICIA, Ghalf length, INVIDIA').
This is the upright version of another print of the same subject derived from the 'Last Judgement' fresco formerly attributed to Andrea di Cione -called Orcagna- in the Campo Santo, Pisa; the fresco is now believed to be by the Pisan painter and illuminator Francesco Traini and is dated from the mid-1330s
Дьявол и священник.
Print made by Erhard Schön ,German
Devil playing the bagpipes; perched on the shoulders of a monk whose head forms the bagpipe