Старый цирк

Sep 03, 2009 17:36

Старый цирк и Johnny Eck.

В поисках фотографий о старом цирке часто встречаешь странные сейчас для нас шоу людей с физическими недостатками. А раньше это было в порядке вещей, достаточно вспомнить о компрачикосах, делавших из детей уродцев и продававших их потом для показа на ярмарках и потех для королевских дворов.

Такие шоу всегда имели успех,к сожалению. Дальше фото этих артистов, смотреть может быть, тяжело.

-----------------------Johnny Eck ------------------------------

Джонни Экк родился без ног и части позвоночника, исполнял соло-атраккцион как акробат. С ним ездил его брат-близнец.

Johnny Eck was born 27 August 1911 along with a twin brother named Robert. Johnny was born sans legs and with a truncated spine, resulting in the appearance of his body stopping midway through his torso.
In the mid '20s, Johnny began performing as a single-o (solo sideshow), although his brother traveled with him to emphasize their difference. He worked for years in the entertainment business, and is best known for his role in Tod Browning's Freaks.

Мальчик научился ходить на руках в детстве- раньше, чем его брат-близнец на ногах. в 1923 году он стал выступать в цирке с сольными номерами - как акробат, а также с фокусами и клоунадой. Его использовали в аттракционе "распиливание". Брат его работал с ним менеджером. Он снимался в фильмах и шоу.

Born John Eckhardt, Jr., on August 27, 1911, Eck was an artist, photographer, circus performer, magician, actor, and “King of the Freaks.”

В 1938, Eck поднялся по ступенькам к вершине вашингтонского Памятника на руках.
Eck умер в 1991 в возрасте 79 лет, Роберт умер четырьмя годами позже.

Johnny and Robert

image Click to view


В те годы участие в таких шоу не считалось постыдным или унижающим человеческое достоинство.
Наоборот- в труппах складывалась часто братская атмосфера, все были равны в своем несчастье и обретали друзей. Особенно,если хозяин и антрепренер были хорошими, иногда бывало и не так- ведь детей-уродцев продавали "с потрохами", и такая работа была единственным средством к существованию. Потом эстафету приняли киностудии- фильмы с участием таких актеров пользовались успехом.

фильм 30-годов.

The cast of the movie "Freaks".

Years ago, it was not considered demeaning to work as a freak in a circus or sideshow. It was an honest living and many of the people above made a good income and supported families. Yes, there was terrible mistreatment and exploitation of some individuals by ruthless handlers (isn't there always?). However, there was also a community, friends, a sense of acceptance and belonging that came from being in a freak show that they would not have gotten in Suburbia.
Freaks Movie Cast Todd Browning Circus Sideshow Johnny Eck Pinheads Bearded lady Chicken Girl Black Metal Cigarette or ID or Business Card Case Wallet

------ голливудский фильм с участием фриков --------

from Browning's Freaks

This classic from horror master Tod Browning (director of Universal’s Dracula starring Bela Lugosi) was initially released in 1932, ridiculed, deemed grotesque and subsequently banned in England for more than 30 years because of its controversial casting of real life human oddities and sideshow Freaks as actors. In the 1960s Freaks developed a huge cult following at midnight shows.

------------------Цирковые артисты------------

MADEMOISELLE GABRIELLE - Женщина-половинка-The Half-Woman
Участвовала в различных шоу и выставках, во Всемирной Выставке в Париже в 1900 году.
Mademoiselle Gabrielle was a legless marvel from the early 1900’s. She was born in Basel, Switzerland in 1884 and began her exhibition career at the Paris Universal Exposition in 1900 as The Half-Woman.


The exhibition of freaks, monstrosities or marvels of nature were essential components of travelling circus exhibitions in Europe and America throughout the Victorian period. What was saleable as far as the freak was concerned was, of course, physical difference, in a form that was both marketable and palatable. The showman was an essential component and it was the relationship between the presenter and the exhibit that produced the freak show. The most popular attractions were oddities with extraordinary talents, who could do supposedly normal things despite their disabilities. Dwarf and midget exhibitors such as Major Mite, Harold Pyott (the English Tom Thumb) and Anita the Living Doll, followed in the example of Charles Stratton and became highly successful sideshow novelties.

Компрачикос, или Компрапекеньосы (от исп. comprachicos, букв. - скупщики детей) - в Испании, Англии, Германии, Франции XIII-XVII веков. представляли собой сообщество бродяг. У индейцев известны как "чейлас" - охотники за детьми. Копрачикосы вели торговлю детьми. Они покупали детей, по-своему обрабатывали их (уродуя), а затем перепродавали, делая из них шутов, акробатов и т. п. Слово получило широкое распространение благодаря роману Гюго "Человек, который смеётся".

Еще старинные фото и афиши, а также цирковые вагончики необыкновенной красоты:http://marinni.livejournal.com/tag/%D0%A6%D0%98%D0%A0%D0%9A


--------------Биография -------------------
Eck had essentially no body below his ribcage, but was otherwise healthy. His twin brother, Robert, and his older sister had no deformity. Despite his disability, Johnny taught himself to walk with his hands before his brother would walk with his feet.

At an early age Eck seemed headed for the ministry. In 1923, while the boys were attending a church fair, magician John McAslan was astonished by the half-boy and convinced his parents to let him join the carnival. Robert was hired as his manager and assistant. McAslan allegedly duped Eck’s parents by adding a zero to a one-year contract after it was signed.

Eck was a solo sideshow act, where he did magic tricks and acrobatics, including his famous one-armed handstand. Along with Robert, the twins were also used by a magician as subjects in a “sawn in half” illusion.

Eck is perhaps best known for his role in the 1932 cult classic film Freaks. He also had uncredited parts in three Tarzan movies.

In 1938, Eck walked the stairs to the top of the Washington Monument on his hands.

After his Hollywood and carnival career, the twins retired to Baltimore and operated a miniature train ride, with Johnny serving as engineer. He also had a custom miniature car that was street-legal. Eck was also an avid screen painter - a theme reflected in the headstone marking his grave.

In 1987, the brothers were robbed and physically assaulted in their home. Embittered and having lost his faith in humanity, Johnny spent his remaining years in total seclusion, contending that the real freaks were outside his house.

Eck died in 1991 at age 79, in the Milton Street house in which the twins were born. Robert died four years later.



