Аллегории четырех континентов. 16-17 век.

Apr 29, 2011 11:22

Аллегории четырех континентов. 16-17 век.

Америка.Collaert 1551 - 1600


В эпоху великих географических открытий было сделано много гравюр и циклов с аллегорическими изображениями континентов, ведущими художниками-графиками того времени.

Здесь есть интересная серия "открытие Америки":
Америго Веспуччи, Магеллан,Колумб- в окружении аллегорических фигур.

И также отдельные гравюры и серии, где континенты представлены дамами, одетыми по последней моде тех лет.

-----------------Отдельные гравюры--------


Africa. Landscape with female personification wearing a hat and seated on a rock at left, a bow and quiver in lower left corner, several figures wearing hats and lions in background at right; after Dirk Barendsz.

Print made by Christian Bernhard Rode
After Andreas Schlüter
Sculptural decoration over a portico in the Rittersaal of the Berlin

Pierre Aveline

Statue of Africa in the gardens of Versailles: a draped female figure wearing a helmet in the shape of an elephant's head, and holding a bow; a lion lies at her feet. 1709


Asia. Landscape with female personification seated at right, wearing a turban, a sword and a hat in lower right corner, several figures wearing veils and camels in background at left; after Dirk Barendsz.


Pierre Aveline
Asia: man in Oriental costume leading a queen outside of a palace
Etching and engraving


The Four Continents / Europa
Dirk Barentsz. (After); Jan Sadeler I (Print made by); Jan Sadeler I (Published by);

------------Серия-Открытие Америки--------

Америго Веспуччи,Магеллан,Колумб и так далее в окружении аллегорических фигур:

Print made by Adriaen Collaert
Published by Philips Galle
After Jan van der Straet
The Discovery of America: two portrait medallions depicting Amerigo Vespucci and Christopher Columbus; of Flora and Janus, representing Florence and Genoa respectively; the Italian coastline below, including Florence and Genoa

Print made by Adriaen Collaert
Published by Philips Galle
1589 (circa)
The Discovery of America: Christopher Columbus on his ship; Columbus stands on deck at centre, holding a banner with Christ on the cross, Diana at left, guides the vessel; Neptune

Print made by Adriaen Collaert
Published by Philips Galle
1589 (circa)
The Discovery of America: Amerigo Vespucci on his ship; Vespucci stands on deck and the central mast has been broken, the Vespucci coat-of-arms is attached to the front mast; Minerva (Science) at right, with the gorgon shield and guiding the boat; a warrior riding on a tortoise pulled by four lions; two sea creatures carrying the limbs of drowned men at left; after Jan van der Straet

The Discovery of America: Ferdinand Magellan on his ship; Magellan seated on deck at centre, holding a pair of compasses in front of an astrolabe; Apollo carrying his lyre at left and guiding the ship; a bird of prey carries an elephant in top left (Arabic mythical bird Roc?); a male figure with a bow swallowing an arrow at right; a crowned deity (wind god) is seated on a cloud in top right; other sea creatures populate the sea; after Jan van der Straet

Theodoor Galle
After Jan van der Straet
1588-1612 (c.)
In the foreground to left, Amerigo Vespucci, holding an astrolabe and staff with a banner of the cross, addresses a naked female wearing a feathered hat, representing America


Pierre Aveline
Published in Paris


print; John Stafford (Published by); America: a naked three-quarter-length seated woman holding a bow and a severed human leg.

Statue of America in the gardens of Versailles: a female figure, half-nude, with feather crown, quiver and bow; an amardillo lies at her feet. 1708/33

------------------СЕРИИ ХУДОЖНИКОВ-------------------

---------'Allegory of the Four Continents' series -------

----------------Marten de Vos------------

Marten de Vos(1532 - 1603) - Asia and America

--------------Philips Galle-(1537 - 1612)------------

Galle Africa

Galle America

Galle Europe
This last series (sans Asia) was engraved by Phillip (Filips) Galle* who was, incidentally, the father-in-law of Adriaen Collaert. The Galle series was designed by Marcus Gheeraerts. The style suggests to me that it was Gheeraerts the Elder (seen previously in relation to his Fables) and not his son. The date is again simply given as 1551-1600

----------------Adriaen Collaert---------------------

Collaert EUROPA 1551 - 1600

Collaert America 1551 - 1600

Collaert Asia 1551 - 1600

Collaert Africa 1551 - 1600
Allegory of the Continents

------------Martin Engelbrecht-1700-1757----

The four continents; Asiaprint; Martin Engelbrecht (Published by); Matthias Seuter (Print made by); Jeremias Wachsmuth

Published by Martin Engelbrecht
Print made by Matthias Seuter
After Jeremias Wachsmuth

Martin Engelbrecht (Published by); Matthias Seuter (Print made by); Jeremias Wachsmuth
Representation of Europa personified wearing armour and a plumed helmet; putto holding a crown to left; curtains in the background; after Wachsmuth.

Martin Engelbrecht (Published by); Matthias Seuter (Print made by)
Representation of Asia personified wearing a turban; putto holding a crown to left; putti on either side; hedge in the background; after Wachsmuth.

--------------------John Stafford-1630 ---------------

John Stafford (Published by); Europe: a three-quarter-length woman with crown and sceptre, holding the Bible in her hand. c.1630 Engraving

John Stafford (Published by); Africa: a three-quarter-length seated woman with bare breasts, girdle and armillary. c.1630

John Stafford (Published by); Asia: a three-quarter-length seated woman with high turban, holding a book and an incense burner.

----------------------17 век--------------

-----------------Jacob Gole-1675-1724--------------------

Jacob Gole
Personification of Africa; a lady, full length, seen standing at centre, wearing a fancy dress and feathered headgear

Jacob Gole (Print made by); Personification of Asia; a lady,


Africa: woman in dress embellished with embroidered patterns, pearls and jewels, sitting at a desk with head turned to left, and left hand on chest; lion hunt in the background. 1695

Antoine Trouvain
Europe: seated woman in richly embroidered dress, with crowns in her lap, and sceptres in right hand. 1695

Asia: woman, whole-length, in richly embroidered dress, standing next to an incense tripod. 1695

-----------------Все четыре континента----------------
------------------The Four Continents-----------------

Adriaen Collaert
1580 (circa)
Все континенты поклоняются Филиппу II of Spain
Allegory of the power of Phillip II of Spain: two female allegorical figures of Maiestas and Potestas flank a giant imperial coat of arms surrounded by the chain of the golden fleece above a river god; on the lower level kneel figures of the four Continents

Pietro Aquila
The four Continents paying homage to Christianity, with the Papal tiara in the foreground; after Maratti

After Hendrik Goltzius
1631-1675 (c.)
Allegorical scene with Roma sitting on a pedestal (with a scene of the burning of Troy); her arm is outstretched and she holds a statuette of Victory; she is flanked by the female personifications of Europe, Africa and Asia each holding vessels and accompanied by a bull

Еще по теме:

Интереснейшие гравюры тех же авторов, охота на всех четырех континентах, экзотические способы и животные:

Бои, охота и рыбалка-1560-1590 г.Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium-Philips Galle,Jan Collaert II -ТУТ
Часть 2-ТУТ


Похищение Европы, графика и живопись, оба поста-ТУТ

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