Title: Prince's Hand And Half of the Kingdom
Author: marinoa
Characters/Pairings: England, France, Spain, Prussia. FrUK, hints of other(s?).
Rating: T
Summary: Having once refused to obey a frog, Prince Arthur is now forced to marry one. Both parties are unwilling, but even with the help of their friends, can they win against spells... and time? FrUK
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Comments 4
Ahah, Arthur is just gorgeous in this chapter. I could picture him so perfectly as he was trying to push Francis to kiss him at the river side... and the dinner, oh, the dinner! xD
But he tried his best, indeed. I'm just sorry for poor Francis who had to taste those dishes anyway.
And... nooooo! I need to know what awaits them in Francis' chambers! I really can't wait to find out, ahah!
This story becomes better with each chapter, it's been a while since I was so enthusiastic about a fanfiction ♥ Thanks! :)
So, um, yeah. My point: thanks.
Cheers! :3
Thanks for updating!!!!!!!!!!★★☆☆★
And those little stars are so damn adorable!
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