Title: Why Life's a JokeAuthor: marinoa
Rating: T
Characters / Pairing: England, France, FrUK
Sumary: Arthur Kirkland and Francis Bonnefoy are simply trying to live their respective lives, but apparently someone up there has decided not to make it easy for them. FrUK, oneshot, AU.
Part 2 )
Comments 12
Thank you very much for this! :D
(Muuten, ei se kyllä haittaa, but there's probably no need to capitalize 'suistua' in the paragraph starting with "That, however, proved..." ;)
Dammit, this is so embarrassing! xD I typed that word with capital letters to notice it later, because I wanted to check the word before typing it down in English... and forgot. Damn. Thanks for pointing it out! :'D
And hey, thanks so much for the rest of the comment as well! I'm so excited to hear that you like this little story, especially since it's the first proper thing I've written in a long while. :)
And what, you are Finnish? Seems so rare to find fellow Finns in fan fction world. Or wait, your location seems to be Russia (not that I stalked your profile)..? Oh, whatever, thanks again for commenting! xD
Olen venäläinen, mutta opiskelen suomea - ja opiskelu etenee sietämättömän (!!!) hitaasti, koska netistä ei löyty mitään mielenkiintoista (tai jotain, missä kukaan ei kuole) luettavaksi (kirjojen tilaaminen Suomesta on valitettavasti liian kallista). I was mad with joy when I found "Taas niitä päiviä", but you can only re-read something so many times! And you can take it as a hint, but you don't have to take it as a hint, 'cause I know how weird it feels writing fanfiction in your own language.
I wish I could write more sensible comments!.. :C In any case, thank you again! C:
Wow. xD I feel the need to thank you again - kiitos!
Thank you for your writing.
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