Prompts by:
ellie987 and
adrenalin211 I still have a pair of 24's and a Battlestar Galactica ficlet to get to. Thanks as always to the super speedy beta by
cybertoothtiger We all know how this works: The Challenger provides the fandom, two characters and the first line. I do the rest, to the tune of at least 100 words.
I will wait until I respond to the other challenges before cross-posting on
24n'more, and
24armbell This is a breakthrough as two of these three ficlets are my first Non 24 fics in forver. The start of a new era, mehopes.
Title: So Much Woman
Challenge by:
sardonicynicFandom: Mad Men
Rating: PG
Characters: Joan/Roger
Disclaimer: Mad Men is the property of AMC.
Spoilers: The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
A/C: So I'm shipping Joan/Roger now? That's disturbing.
"Will that be all, Mr. Sterling?"
Damm, thought Roger, she is so much woman.
Joan was married. Even, so, there was no harm in looking.
Roger realized how skinny Jane was by comparison. Too skinny. Scrawny even.
“Mr. Sterling?” Joan repeated.
Her voice. It was musical.
“Yes, Joan, just schedule another meeting with the good people from Honda.”
She raised her eyebrows. “I’m surprised.”
“Don insists. This account is too good not to go after. And…I thought about what you said.”
Joan seemed genuinely surprised. She sat down in the chair opposite Roger’s desk. She put her hands in her lap, a piece of body language which would have seemed demur in any other woman. In this ridiculously tiny office he could smell her perfume.
“From almost anybody else, your words wouldn’t have met anything. I was there, in the Pacific theatre during the war. Almost no one else in this firm was. But your husband. He’s about to leave for Vietnam. That carries weight.”
Joan lowered her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Red. You don’t need the reminder.”
“No, sir. I don’t. But…thank you. I appreciate the sentiment.”
“You can come to me, Red. About anything.”
Joan stood up. “I’ll contact Honda.”
As Joan left the office Roger’s eyes could not help but travel to her small waist and her full hips as they swayed back and forth in her form-fitting cobalt blue sheath.
Even if he hadn’t married Jane, and Joan hadn’t married Greg (the useless bugger) Roger would have still considered Joan off-limits. He had enjoyed her company years ago, but Roger knew when to move on. Yet he still felt strangely protective towards Joan. He felt … what was the word he wanted? Respect. That was it. Respect.
Roger didn’t like to analyze his emotions too deeply. It was distracting.
Still, Joan’s presence was in the room even after she left.
So much woman.
Title: Reaching Out
Challenge by:
ellie987Fandom: 24
Rating: PG for shameless smarm.
Characters: Bill/Jack
Spoilers: Season 6 Debrief
Disclaimer: 24 is the property of Fox
A/C: Bill fusing over Jack post Day 6 is my biggest fanwank of all time.
"I didn't expect to see you here, Jack."
It was midnight and raining, a rain that may or may have not been radioactive. The man standing on the doorstep of Bill’s Los Angeles home seemed oblivious to the downpour.
“I’m sorry. I…I didn’t know where else to go.” Jack said.
“It’s all right. Come in.”
Jack now stood in the hallway, his face and clothes dripping. He looked around at the well-appointed house, not sure of what to do next.
Bill went into the nearest bathroom and returned with a towel. He handed it to Jack.
Jack ran the towel over his face and hair, which looked as damp with sweat as it did with rain.
He looks like hell, Bill thought.
“Ryan called about an hour ago,” Bill said. “He told me what happened at Division tonight. Dammit, Jack. You could have come to me. I could have prevented this.”
Jack stopped drying his face. He stared at Bill.
“No. You couldn’t have. You’re not the director of CTU anymore.”
“I still have some pull."
Jack looked at Bill incredulously.
“Come on.” Bill lead Jack into the living room and motioned to the couch. Jack sat down carefully, as if unfamiliar with any deliberately comfortable piece of furniture.
What did they do to him? Bill wondered. He knew he was never going to get an answer to that inquiry. Especially not from Jack.
Bill poured Jack a glass of water.
“Are you hungry?” Bill asked.
“No. Bill, I’ll come straight to the point. I wasn’t officially part of CTU when the Chinese took me, so I don’t know what protocol you followed about putting me on the CTU payroll.”
“You need money.”
He wants to leave the country, Bill concluded.
“Yeah. I don’t want to ask you for anything. I just want any money that’s mine.”
Interesting, Bill thought. Jack could have asked Chloe to hack into one of his numbered bank accounts. Instead, Jack had come to Bill and asked him for the money that was rightfully his.
He was reaching out to Bill. Ever so carefully.
“You were on the payroll. You’re owed almost two years of back pay. In the morning I’ll call Nadia and have her release the funds.”
“Thank you,” Jack took a sip of water and put the glass down. He started to get up.
“Jack. Wait. You need to see a doctor.”
“I’m fine.”
“I don’t think you are. I saw what you looked liked when Cheng released you yesterday morning. You were gone for twenty months. You need to be checked out.”
“I’m not going back to CTU.”
“You don’t have to. I know some people at a private clinic in Beverly Hills. We can go there right now. And don’t try to tell me that you’re not in any pain.”
Jack lowered his eyes, not knowing how to respond.
He can’t admit any weakness. It’s not that he doesn’t want to. He just can’t.Bill realized.
“I left my phone in the kitchen. I’ll go make the call.” Bill said.
Bill left the living room and went to fetch his phone.
His was only half sure that Jack would still be there when he returned.
Title: Mystery Meat
Challenge by:
adrenalin211Fandom: Fringe
Rating: PG
Characters: Peter/Olivia
Spoilers: Over There, Part 2
Disclaimer: The property of Fox, again.
A/C: My first Fringe ficlet. Will there be more?
"You wanna grab a burger or something?"
Olivia smiled, a smile that was half way to a snort. “A burger. That sounds exciting.”
“It is exiting. The usual place then.”
“We’ll walk there together.”
Peter felt a little guilty for not inviting Walter. His father never said no to anything food-related. But his interaction with the man was strained, difficult.
His father. Peter still thought of Walter that way.
Peter needed a Walter-free evening. The informal date with Olivia seemed ideal.
Peter liked to eat, but his obsession with food didn’t come close to Walter’s.
Peter suspected that Olivia regarded food as mere fuel.
But this evening she must have been hungry. When the waitress came she ordered a bacon cheeseburger with the works, a root beer, and onion rings.
Peter loved going out with a woman with a healthy appetite.
When the food arrived Olivia went for the root beer first. She sniffed it carefully. When she took her first sip she smiled, as if she had just consumed fine wine.
It was then that Peter realized that something was wrong.
Olivia never drank root beer. Olivia hated root beer.
Oh shit.
The woman sitting across from him wasn’t Olivia.